Tuesday, December 27, 2011


If, Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two, He would come unexpected, I wonder what you would do?
OH, yes we'd give our best and nicest room, and put on our best clean linens for such an Honored Guest, and make Him feel welcome.
Plus, of course, we'd serve all our best of food, all while assuring Him that we are honored to have Him.
Telling Him, that to serve Him, in our home, is a joy beyond measure.
However, IF. . . we saw Him coming would we meet Him at our door, or rush out to greet Him?
OR. . . would we first need to hide some stuff, as the worldly magazines, and place a Bible in their place?
Would you rush about, putting stuff outa sight, and hide things we know don't please Him?
And would you need to redial the radio or T.V to better programming, and hope He'd not heard?
Or would that last nasty word we shouted, and wish we'd not said it?
Would you need to hide worldly music, and place a Hymnal book instead?
Could you & me, really, and without shame, let Jesus walk right in?
Or would we need to hide, and cover up those Hollywood DVDs?
So I wonder. . . IF our Savior, yours and mine, spent a day or two with YOU.
Would you keep right on doing all that is normal for you, day by day?
Or. . . would you forget to ask Him to lead a table grace?
Would you sing the songs you always sing, and insist to finish that book you were reading?
Thus by our actions, let Him see just what we are feeding our minds and spirit?
Would you be inclined to call up your closest friends, just to have Him meet them?
Or. . .would you hope they stay gone, until He ends His visit?
Or. . . have we all forgotten  that for Him, there really are no secrets?
It might be interesting for each one of us to consider where we are in our personal relationship, with Jesus and others,
IF. . . if Jesus came in person. . .Just to spend some time with YOU!

Author unknown.

Jeff Reich from The Laymen Ministries:
"I would rather see a sermon, than hear one any day,
I would rather have you walk with me, than merely point the way.
Advice is often confusing but examples are always clear.
The eyes are better for people, and more willing than the ear.
The best preachers are those who live their creed.
To see it put into action is what everybody needs."

Many of us a super busy, here's an acronym we all should remember   BUSY
Y IS FOR YOKE, we all must take care not to be so busy, that we fall Burdened Under Satan's Yoke, gathering our earthly goods, none of which shall be with us in our graves, nor in heaven.

 servant@frontier.com  John


Please find and visit your local Seventh day Adventist Church, you WILL be welcomed. If not tell me and this Church' s physical address please.

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