Wednesday, June 13, 2018


My many thanks to J.D. Snider and his publisher from "I LOVE BOOKS"  for more info, write:
Department P.  6840 Eastern Ave. NW
Washington D. C. 20012. request more like reading OR: Free Bible Course by mail. (John B).

   True pleasure is not found where most people se3ek it. There is a soul hunger that the secular reading cannot satisfy. We have {built in} instincts that belong to our highest nature and stretch their hands upward and forward to God, and eternity!.....>

NOTE(JB): Yes much of the world today is enamoured with human science, but if one looks at the human history of any science, you'll see that all branches of sciences, are in a constant flux, as new discoveries are made, that change the old ideas even the paradigme. Remember it wads not all that long ago, when "SCIENCE," just knew that with a few changes plain lead could be turned into gold! Plus all,
 just knew and accepted the fact that earth was flat! Today, many have been taught since the 1950's that Evolution is no longer just a theory, but is now a proven scientific fact!
    IF THIS IS FACTUAL, please provide us with ANY "Missing LINK", proving the change from one species to a another new species,
    QUESTION: As most know, DNA is information, and all information MUST COME from an intellect. Just as this electronic gizmo, you are right now using to read this, it surely did not self-invent! It takes much, more faith to accept evolution than Creation. BECAUSE, its far better to believe in God that in men, as God cannot lie, but men, can, and.... do!

........> We sail upon an ocean whose bounds are far beyond our sight. The Bible marks out for each of us a course to sail by. "Follow this course" it says, and you will come to a safe harbor:, follow any another, and your voyage will end in shipwreck and disaster"  Nature does reveal a Creator, but only the Bible can reveal the Father. It is the mirror of divinity, and it astonishes us by the majesty of its contents. It is the foundation stone of our civilization, the key that unlocks all mysteries. Today it is read by more people than any other book on earth, and is translated into all languages and yet it retains its personality and individuality.
     Why do YOU suppose that is true of the Holy Bible?  Because the Bible is the voice of a universal Father talking to His universal family. In it He tells of man as he was, and as He is, and as HE shall always be. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My words shall not pass away." [ Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:32,33.]  It is like the bush that burned with fire and yet remained unconsumed. {Exodus 3:2} God was in the bush, and God is in the Bible. Infidels have tried to destroy it (jb and even tried to "lock it up". Instead they have died out and were soon forgotten, but the Old Book, though often banned and burned and ridiculed and today eve n neglected, has continued to live through the centuries. It has come down to us, today, floating upon a sea of blood--- every page stained with the life-blood of martyrs
     "The Bible," says W.H. Book, "is a great literary and spiritual t4emp-le in which God is enthroned. It is composed of sixty-six blocks of Divine truth, selected by forty workmen during a period of fifteen hundred years; men who labored separated from each other as regards time and place. How could it be? Holy men of God spake as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance.    [Matthew 10:19-20] and 2 Timothy 3:16  the word inspired from the Greek actually is "Breathed".  All of the combined goodness with all of the combined wisdom of all of the combined ages could not have produced it. It can never be improved upon. If anyone who denies that statement believes he can, let him do it, and it will be a master stroke."

    From a strictly educational viewpoint this book deserves our study. It treats of numerous literary subjects, History, positively true history, and the most fascinating romance are found in its pages. Also, drama, both comedy and tragedy; poetry, both epic and lyric; and music. All those who have become famous in the world of art and letters declare that if everything else in our language should perish, The Bible alone would suffice to show the whole extent of the beauty and power of the English language.

NOTE(JB): In fact it was only during the 19th Century that other books became "School- Books" for the learning of reading, the Bible was the School-book! Until Secularism set in, Plus since the 1920's we have the Anti-Christian Lawyer's Union AKA ACLU! Founded by a card-carrying member of American Communist Party, as was Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parent-Hood! NICE?

    Dr. James L. Vance summarized in exquisite fashion the literary worth of the Bible when he wrote: " The Bible is not only many books, it is a literature.... The Bible begins with the Garden and ends with a city. It starts with a morning followed by a night, and ends with a day that shall know no night. It breaks the silence with, "In the beginning God', and it hushes the universe to sleep with "Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all' " It should be read and reread time after time, for it is the divine touchstone by  which we must test the merits of all other books.
    Sir Isaac Newton declared the Scriptures of God to be the most sublime Philosophy. George Washington once said: " It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible." Lincoln's testimony is equally significant, "In regard to this great Book that God has given man, I have only to say that it is the best Book that God has given to man."

NOTE(JB): We need only to look at human history's dictators, and know that George Washington was right! They to a person, were either atheists, or perverted the Bible to a great extent! If one disagrees, they know not history!


     Note (jb):   REALLY?  Even the popes from John Paul onwards have declared that Genesis 1-11, is but an ALLEGORY! They want to impose their THEISTIC EVOLUTION, upon the world. Meaning, yes, God began began life but the He allowed evolution to finish the job!  Yet he and his fellow men fully expect us to believe in them, that they accept the rest of the Holy Bible as Gospel Truth! REALLY?
   ......> Why? They tell us it lacks the freedom and fetters one's thoughts. [JB that's the way they keep their followers from studying the Bible?, As their own "BIBLE" the "Book of Catechism", is grossly different from even their own Douay Bibles! Yet most "Christians," follow her doctrine of Sunday worship in place of the Sabbath!  They are still the goats and the grapes! To learn this meaning study the Bible!
    It "stifles" thought? Look at all these names of those who held the Bible as their source of inspiration: Browning, Tennyson, Daniel Webster, Fisher Ames, Mitchel the astronomer, Coleridge Ruskin, Goethe, and Wakefield. [JB may I add, J.C. Penny, Kellogg, and the founder of Kraft foods?].
  Few books can stand many readings. But this Book of God's is solid, it will be found "NEW" in even after reading it 1,000 times, and the careful study of it, will always find a new point, a new connection that the readers have not yet connected before. How can the teachings of Jesus be held as anything less than the world's greatest and highest standards of morality and spiritual standards?

    Ebal E. Violett, has written in simple, lucid language, this most beautiful and conniving tribute:
     "The Bible comes to man in his sin, sorrow and darkness, to offer him what he has never been able to find elsewhere. With world-wide, age long, incessant search, humanity has never found any other remedy for sin. It is enough for us to know that the Bible has not ever failed man in his despair and darkness. There is not one broken promise on its pages. That this priceless Volume is the gift of God to His Creatures is seen:''
(1) "In the marvel of its construction. The traveler who gases upon the Brooklyn Bridge, thronged with its mighty volume of traffic, sees i n it the design of the architect and skill of the builder. Each cable, anchor, brace, girder, span, archway, forms a part of the plan for crossing the dark waters beneath. So with the Bible. It is a wonderful Bridge which spans the turbulent river of time. Each Book from Genesis to Revelation forms a part of that perfect bridge by which the race moves across from one eternity to another. The doubter may refuse to use this bridge, but his refusal will not destroy its foundation."
(@) "In the miracle of its preservation. The Holy Bible in the presence in the world today, is in itself a miracle of the ages. No other book or books, ever met with such opposition: no other book ever had such a victorious career. Rome, Greece, paganism, Judaism, Mohammedanism, pride, greed, criticism, and infidelity have all gone down before its progress. No one else can add to all the foolish things that have been said about the Bible. It has been hated, misrepresented, doubted,, and condemned, but it still moves on throughout history, and human hears, as the foremost of all books. God has preserved it to carry out His holy purpose among men. The Bible is still saying:"
     "Books may come, and books, may go But I go one forever."
(3) In the majesty of its story. Where else in the literature of the world is the to be found a story so beautiful, so true, ans so full of meaning for all who read? I tr was written by a group of me and two woman, who lived in an age in which colleges and universities were unknown. Not one of them claimed any superior literary attainments for themselves, in the telling their message of God and His salvation. What other author in any age has written any other book to compare with even the shortest of the Bible's 66 love letter from The Father to His children?

   Said Dr. William Lyon Phelps, "I have lived all my life with music, books and works of art, yet I cannot tell what is the best picture ever painted, or what is the best music written, or the prayer ever composed, but the best sermon ever written, and the best sermon is the Sermon on the Mount: the poetry are the 23rd, the 90th, and 103rd Psalm. I stand in line with priests, atheists, skeptics, devotees, agnostics, and evangelists when I say the authorized Version of the English Bible is the best example of English literature that the world has ever seen. I believe a knowledge of the Bible without a collage course more valuable that a college course without the Bible. Everyone who has a thorough knowledge of the Bible may truly be called educated, and no other learning or culture, no matter how extensive or elegant, can form a proper substitute."

     "The Holy Bible touches every department of human life and thought, and mirrors them all for each succeeding generation. No one has expressed this truth more clearly and impassioned splendor more that Henry van Dyke, who wrote: "Born in the East, and clothed in Oriental form and imagery, the Bible walks the ways of the world with familiar feet and enters land after l;and to find its own everywhere. It has learned to speak in hundreds of languages to the heart of man. It comes into the palace to tell the monarch that he is a servant of the Most High, and into the cottage to assure the peasant that he is also a son of God. Children listen  to its stories with wonder and delight, and wise men ponder them as parables of life. It has a word of peace for the time of peril, a word of comfort for the day of calamity, a word of light in the assembly of people, and the counsels whispered in the ear of the lonely. The wicked and the proud at its warning,  but to the wounded and the penitent it has a mother's voice.
    The wilderness and the solitary place have been made glad by it, and the fire on the hearth has lit the reading of its well worn page. Irt has woven itself into our deepest affections and colored our dreams; So that love and friendship, sympathy, and devotion, memory and hope, plus charity it instills in us, put on the beautiful garments of its treasured speech, breathing frankincense and Myrrh."
     "Above the cradle and beside the grave its great words come to uncalled. They fill our prayers with power larger than we ca n know, and the beauty of them lingers on our ears long after the sermons have been forgotten. They return to us swiftly and quietly, like doves flying faraway. They surprise us with new meanings, like springs of water breaking forth from the mountain beside a long-trodden path. They grow richer, as pearls do when they are worn near the heart.
   "No man is poor or desolate who has this treasure for his won. When the landscape darkens and the trembling pilgrim comes to the valley named' of the shadow' he is not afraid to enter; he takes the Rod and the Staff of Scripture in hand; he says to friend and comrade, 'Good-by, we shall meet again', and thus be comforted by that support, he goes towards the lonely pass as one who walks through darkness into light."

   At the risk of seeming tedious, I have put upon the stand this could of witnesses and allowed them to present their testimonies, not to add luster to the Holy Bible---- for nothing no man could do this, but in the sincere hope that they many serve to help and appreciate more fully that the Book of God is entitled to the first and highest place among the books that you love and read, and that it may in turn teach you the sweetness of the fellowship of its Divine author, Christ Jesus, mankind's only Savior!

Friday, June 1, 2018



Religious make-up of the Current U.S. Congress:

Protestant:  299 Members
Mormon      13
 Catholic     168
Jewish          30
DON"T KNOW    10  {HUH?)
Orthodox        5
Buddhist         3
Muslim           2
Unaffiliated      1

Central Oklahoma (OCU) invited Ken Ham to speak to the University on creationism. Ham a creationist, is founder of the Creation Museum in Pittsburg, Kentucky, and Ark Encounter in Williamsburg, Kentucky. However, under pressure, student body president Stockton Duvall cancelled the invitation. But under pressure from the public, university president Don Betz reinstated it. Ham said, " I am thrilled [that] my talk at OCU is back on. OCU officials have definitely heard from many state legislators and local residents, and alumni about the denial or the right to free speech.   Courier Journal.

Note(JB): If one is denied his or her free-speech rights, then every one's rights are in danger of being lost! Just as it is the right of anyone to attend or not! That right should  ney... MUST,   be the only arbiter! In any free society, or it is no longer free! Are you "getting this Progressives?


    The Canadian Government provides grants to students for jobs in summer camps, day cares, and drop in centers. Recently, a stipulation affirming sup[port of Reproductive Rights [i.e.., abortions] was added to the "Core Mandate", that students are required to hold in order to quality. IF students don't check the box, they cannot submit the application. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defends the measure, but Roman Catholics and evangelical Protestants are pushing back......> Cont:

NOTE(JB) As a Seventh-day Adventist I also appose abortions and here's why....
Psalms 127:3 " Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
Genesis 9:6  "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man"

Exodus 20:13 " Thou shalt not kill."  

That's the 6th Commandment. Now does it matter what anyone call the child in making, a collection of cells, a blob, a fetus, does it change the fact that it is a human baby, guilty of of being in the womb of very selfish and irresponsible woman? Let's be honest we ALL know at this stage of life, what causes pregnancy, and all,  by this time in their life should know how to prevent this via birth Controls. Thus rape and incest ared the only can we say "EXCUSES"? BUT even here, what is the child guilty of? ARE Y O U willing to execute any adult, without a judge, or jury, or even a trail;, just hang'em high?
    I n the end, its a question each one must answer within self, as self shall be held to account for all action, words and even thoughts by our Creator's Son, Jesus Christ!

.....> Cont:  Said Ontario resident Dusty Taylor, "It is not okay to be coerced to sign a statement in opposition to your conscience, in exchange for public funding. Honestly I can't believe it, and we had better not tolerate it"  Christian weekly.

Note(JB) I left Ontario Canada in 1964, with my family, primarily because of the creeping socialistic government. Much of the news I get from family members. back there, I have no regrets in vacating these premises! Yet I am sure each person in this nation considers them selves to be living in freedom!
But only if they agree to sign away all personal rights and ideals! I guess that;'s why many Bible passages are now taking as "HATE- SPEECH', WAY THE GO Canadians! Remember once a right is lost, it very difficult to get it back!

Thanking Y O U for your time.   Questions?  Comments?  John at