Friday, July 26, 2019

CRACKING THE TOMB ,LOREN SIEBOLD Signs of the Times July 2019

My many thanks for this work to both the author and the publisher.  (John B).


    When Henriette Juliane Caroline von Ruling died in 1782 at the relatively young age of 26, her husband Georg Earts von Ruling, was inconsolable. She has given birth to three son for him, all of whom had died at birth---and now Henriette  herself was gone. Georg buried her in Gartenfriedhof in Hanover, Germany, beneath a massive rectangular stone, carved into a intricate, flowing drapery. On the tomb Georg, a poet and musician wrote, "Separation is the lot of humanity,but leaving early is life's greatest bitterness."
    But it's the next line that Georg added to the base of the monument that's best remembered: "May this tomb bought for eternity never be opened."

     NOTE(JB): It's easy to see Georg did not either know, or believe in the Bible's resurrections. (There's two, 1000 years apart)

  It turns out that even the best human expectations fail--- even those intended for eternity. The tiny seed of the4 Birch tree fell on Henriette's tomb and washed by rain into a crevice between the massive stones. No one noticed the first tender, green shoot. Undetected, it shot upwards to the light. The roots expanded, a cell at a time. With the passing of years, the growing plant began to push apart the massive blocks of stone. It lifted the entire monument, and the iron fasteners that bound it to its foundation...snapped.
     The tomb that was never to open, cracked. Today, the site s known as the Open Grave--- a destination for all who want to see how enforceable even to most stubborn of human intentions may be.


   Some say that death is the end, a plunge into oblivion. William Shakespeare places in the mouth of Hamlet a bitter soliloquy: "Death is the undiscovered country from whose born no traveler returns."

Note(JB) : It's obvious Mr. Shakespeare never read the Bible with understanding, for at the Second Coming, Jesus will gather His own, and the4y go to heaven, and to return 1,000 years later to this same earth!

   Because no  human can see what lies beyond, and because we don't know how to reanimate dead bodies and erased memories ourselves, some believe it's therefore impossible for us to be alive beyond death.
     Yet everything in the human psyche opposes the finality of the grave. If we were made to die, why is this experience to alien to us? Why do we have such a clear sense of our ow3n existence, and why do we year for life to continue? Given the trails and troubles of life, asks Hamlet, shouldn't we be as happy to end life as to live it? Death "puzzles the will." he answers himself, "and makes us rather bear those ills we have than to fly to others the we know not of."
    The reason we resit death,says the Bible, is that we were never meant to die. The Book opens the human story with the creation of a world in which death is not only unknown but inconceivable.  One imagines that when God told Adam and Eve, "You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will certainly die." [Genesis 2:17] Our first parents must have scratched their heads in puzzlement. What does it mean to die, they might have wondered, in a world where every bit of life--- every plant, bird, animal and insect is designed to be young and alive forever?
    They found out when they rebelled against God, in their disobedience, that under their influence, of this sin, living things cease to live. Perhaps they first saw wilted flowers or yellowing leaves on a plant. The n they would see lifeless animals on the ground. Worse4, creatures killed one an other in a angry rage. The denouncement of this sad story came when one of their own sons killed his brother our of bitter jealousy. Adan and Evelearned what death was. We still, to this day, struggle with it!


     Buy no human efforts, have we ever been bale to cheat death, nor to create life....cont.

 {Although many have tried, in  Labs around the world (JB)} As advanced as WE THINK WE HAVE BECOME in biological and medical sciences...{(JB) far enough to know that evolution is a Satanic lie] for these people.....

     2 Thessalonians 2:9-13 " Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:"
Cont:  death still thwarts us. A handful of especially hardy people live past the century mark, but as the Psalmist observes of those last years of life, "The best of them are but troubles and sorrow" [Ps.90:10]
    From whence, then, comes the power to overcome death and live again? Only from God! Hanna, the godly mother of Samuel was one of the first to see it. "The Lord brings death and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and raised up" [ 1 Samuel 2:6] Job,  also was confident that "my Redeemer lives" Even "after my skin has bee n destroyed, yet in my flesh will I see God." [Job 19:25-27]
    But while they had hope in their hearts, the reality had yet to be seen. For that, we can thank Jesus Christ.. In the first chapter of Revelation describes Jesus as "The Living One: I was dead, and now look, I am alive ever and ever."[Revelation 1:18] Here is life after death told, not as a doctrine, not as a dry fact, but as a true recounting. Jesus Himself, the Bible says, was dead. His heart had stopped. His stomach wasn't digesting. His liver no longer filtered His blood. The electrochemical synapses in His brain had gone silent. He was, the Bible careful to say, completely lifeless.
    Yet God made Him alive again--- and in a way that could have no doubts among observers. For after "He was raised on the 3rd day, as per scriptures " ... testifies Paul,......>

NOTE (JB) : As per Jewish custom, even part of a day was counted as a whole day, Good Friday He died on the Cross, SATURDAY-- the Sabbath He rested in the tomb, Sunday the FIRST DAY of the week just before dawn He arose alive! Thus even in death Christ kept the Sabbath, The SEVENTH DAY SABBATH!  [Exodus 20:7-11 Deuteronomy 5; 12-14  John 14:15*] Sunday is NOT sacred , as it is only of men, since 321 AD. and Rome's Bishops.(POPE is Latin, for Father, call  no man  father for your Father is in heaven....[Matthew 23:9]

  ......> "He appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more that five hundred of the brothers and sisters. [1 Corinthians 15:3-5]


   But how can there be more to life than the life we know now?What can possibly conquer death? The tiny seed that fell into Henriette's tomb may provide a metaphor. 
     Jesus compares death to a seed that" falls to the ground and dies."  
    John 12:24  "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."

Note (JB) : I f Y O U planted one corn seed, and watered as you should, how man corn cobs will your reap?  We Humans die, yes, but IF we are "SOWN" in Christ, He'll resurrect us, that are "SLEEPING" in Him!  

  Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 "Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.[ALL these are but metaphors for death]  Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."  [Please  note our last breath returns to HE who created it, but that's all, our bodies return to this earth,  as dust.  Genesis 3:19.]

    Therefore, just as the seed on the soil , is but a prelude to life, in the face of death! As both The Father-God and Jesus have live within them, that they each can give life to others, they have chosen.
    2 Peter 3:9  "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."   So, will not right now surrender you heart to the One who died for your sins and mine?
Just pray and ask for His help and guidance. You'll not ever be put on hold, or get a busy signal, nor hear, please listen as our menu, has changed.

   This miracle happens through and by "The Living One" because He
    Revelation 1:17-18 " And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:  I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."  

Because He went through death and resurrection we know He can do this for all the over comers. Those who have asked for, and received His divine help to overcome all sins.LOOK>>>

    Daniel 12:2  "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."

Note(JB) : Please know that this speaks to two types of people, those who obey God and those who obey men. Revelation 20:1-6 shows the two resurrections are 1,000 years apart, this being the Millennium Age.. The first brings new life, ever youthful young adults, while the wicked will resurrect the same as they were when they died, with all the same ills, and pains. Please not only God's own will leave this earth, the unjust do not. Jeremiah 4. there was no man...

   We "SLEEP"......Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 " For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun."
    1 Corinthians 15:51-55  "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"
NOTE(JB):  QUESTION, "Who can Y O U believe, God, who can not lie, or man who surely does? This is why all the Bible verses are here! Take God's word not mine! Not all resurrections will end on a happy note, not for the unbelievers, the wicked, and those who reject Jesus as their Savior-God! There shall be a judgment, for all, including Satan and his fallen angels, every knee shall bow!


   We, all heave heard and perhaps even used the term, "Have a good day," To which I reply, "We know not how much time we are given, and repenting from the grave is not possible, do it daily!"

    Unlike Adam and Eve, who came fresh from God's creative hand, we today are acquainted with death, [JB my wife if 57 years passed Feb, last but I take comfort that we shall meet again, on the other side\, Lord willing.]     C: Ecc., 9:5 above.

    Unlike our First Parents, death is not a surprise to us,. Wise people prepare for it: they buy life-insurance a prepared will, or living trust,, to take care of loved ones left behind.
    But, preparation for death should should be more than property and estates, or survivors. If the dead chose to live again, to awaken to everlasting life, and not to, "everlasting contempt."

    I, and hope that you agree, the Holy Bible is a Book of hope! There's a great reason why so many of us love the promise of John 3:16  that "WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE." 

Note(JB) Sorry there's no 'shortcuts, we must also 'John 14:15  If ye love me, keep my commandments. 

This includes the 2nd and 4th Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.[Genesis 3:1=3] His "SIGN" for us as HIS Memorial to His Creation ACTS. the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH!  Luke 23:53-56 and Luke 24:1-3. tells all who can read when, is, the Sabbath day! it ain't SUNDAY! This is but a human law.

Pikeville, Kentucky, was for decades plagued by floods that wiped out the town because of the Big Sandy River snaked, slow and flat directly through the city center. After years of destruction, one of the largest civil engineering projects in the western Hemisphere literally divided a mountain  in order to relocate the river bed. The Pikeville Cut-Through is a man-made canyon where there  once was a mountain..

     Jesus said:   Matthew 17:2  "And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you"

NOTE(JB) :  Can Y O U understand the why?  Because with this full faith/trust, your powers are not your own but the CREATOR GOD, that moves that mountain! After all HE spoke the whole universe into existence, from nothing! [Genesis 1]
  But at the time of the end,, faith shall do something much greater. Faith will rip open the earth in search of the just dead. A Birch Tree seed grew and cracked open Henriette Juliane Caroline von Ruling's tomb. Jesus who holds the keys to hell and death, will open the crust of this earth to find every believer--- from  the bottom of the sea, from collapsed mines deep underground, from the ashes of flames and from billions upon billions of entombed remains. God will reassemble the earthen elements of the earth, to give us back the life that death has robbed us of.

   We, Y O U and me. and those we have loved and lost... shall be reunited, according to His will. and Henriette, too, will be united and come forth from her tomb, from death to life, to be reunited with all the just living!

NOTE(JB) :  ALL who truly want to be there, will surrender their self-will unto Jesus, in loving obedience, and be in Paradise with Him forever.!    R U willing? Pray for wisdom to know what to do!

Thanking Y O U for your time.  Comments?  Questions?

Want/Need more? Visit your Seventh-day Adventist Church any Saturday/Sabbath 9-10 AM

Heaven's spot, is reserved just for Y O U! No other can fill it!

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Friday, July 12, 2019

THE CLASH OF RIGHTS...Where's the Balance? SIGN OF THE times JUNE 2019.




NOTE(JB):   This is where the Special Interests, go JUDGE SHOPPING which in the end, produces the tyranny of the minorities! ANTIFA {anti- Fascist} are as Fascist as any of the past, it's THEIR WAY or nothing! Yet not one Democrat has said a word in opposition, to my knowledge. But then again, history {as it occurred} is filled with Democratic evils! They were in control of the Southern States,  from the top to the  bottom, and they wanted to keep the SLAVERY SYSTEM intact, and fired the first shot in the Civil War. After wards the created and supported the KKK, and when the nations rebelled against them, they made up the "JIM  CROW LAWS", yet somehow they managed to push the blame upon the Republicans,j and enjoyed the 100% support5 of our Black population! {Go Figure } but that's slowly changing, as people do learn the truth, in spite of all the "REVISED HISTORY BOOKS" Propagated by the Centers of Socialistic Learning, in Collages and Universities., whose annual costs have increased many times faster as the Government Support is steadily increased the
Student's support system. {WHY not? The TAX PAYERS are many and deep pockets in the Take from those that have, to those that need as Communistic thinking}  Just look at today's situation between segments of society, in gun rights, and religion and LGBT, civil rights on the other hand!  Whose rights are superior?  NEITHER SHOULD BE!!!! HOWEVER FEW LOVE TO HAVE EITHER SIDE'S VIEWS "SHOVED INTO OUR FACES", CONSTANTLY!  WHAT PEOPLE DO I N THEIR PRIVACY IS BETWEEN THEM AND THEIR DEITY! THIS DOES NOT BELONG IN AND FOR PUBLIC DISPLAYS. {We all pass water, and excrement, but MOST do so in private ,right?]

2 Thessalonians 3:10  For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Sorry, it does NOT say anything about being about not being physically UNABLE to work...No work= No eat!

But the courts, (JB are run by Human beings, and no human is perfect} thus are not immune from the same extreme and absolutist language and views that have come to characterize our politics.
     Competing social groups wrap their causes in lofty language of the Bill of Rights and insist on the absolute priority of their rights over all others. We ALL must choose, we are told, between gun rights or victims' rights,  [JB.. what about the gun owners' rights of self-protection, if you don't believe that this is valid, why not paint a sign in your front yard, "GUN_FREE ZONE"? Put your life where your mouth is! ]  or religious rights or sexual and gender rights, freedom of speech, or reputation's rights.
But such absolutists advocacy that "MY rights or group should always win, seriously overlooks the history of rights reflected in the text of the Bill of Rights., itself.
     History shows our Protestant heritage of rights to be a community affair, which means that no right is absolute.

NOTE(JB) : The ONLY absolutes are found in right and wrong, truth. They are found in the Word of God, the Holy Bible! Today most are ruled by SITUATIONAL ETHICS.

    So we find ourselves with a rather a collection of values that must be weighed, balanced, and carefully calibrated. The commitment to the overall system of rights is as important as the belief in any single right.

   1 Corinthians 10:31 " Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

    The above is the reason why "HATE-SPEECH" is also against man's law. My constitutional Law professor made this point by asking us what the "Freedom of Speech" meant in the First Amendment. I had not ever thought about the significance of that article but could see that it did more than simply protect freedom of speech. The article conveyed the idea of regulating set of principles surrounding the idea of free-speech. Protecting the "Freedom of Speech also incorporated long standing common law principles about limiting libel, slander, and reputation. That's the why hate-speech is against the law!

    This balancing of rights and values was seen even more explicitly in the religion clauses. The First Amendment did not just protect the "Free Exercise of Religion", but also forbade laws "Respecting an establishment of religion". The two clauses meant that neither could be interpreted in an absolute fashion: rather they must be weighed in some kind of tension and balance.

NOTE(JB) : In a true Christian world, No one would demand that their personal will be done, but rather ask, "Would you be willing to do God's will?  But that's not how the facts are today, its all "IN YOUR FACE" CONFRONTATIONAL ISM  Or better put, each side says, "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY"! C. U. I N COURT!  That's Satan's deceptions! 
Personally, all these life-styles, are private, and should remain in the home, and should remain between those who so choose, and their Creator-God! When mankind judges, he, or she, is "Spitting into the wind hoping to stay DRY"
  Y O U need facts???   IF...IF all the world accepted and practiced the gay lifestyle, in ONE GENERATION, the human race would become extinct!

     Matthew 7:3  "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

    Luke 6:37  " Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:"


     Thus, the Masterpiece Cake-shop case, which pitted the Colorado Christian's rights of conscience and expression against the non-discriminating rights of a gay couple, involved a careful balancing of rights and fundamental values. Some religious liberty experts fear that the Supreme Court was too nuanced in its decision in the Christian Baker's case. Though Jack Phillips, the Christian baker, won the case, he did so because a lower state tribunal judges had make remarks that appeared biased against Christians.
      Some argue that the Masterpiece Bake Shop decision only protects religious convictions from overt abuse and ridicule and  that if the lower court politely denied the rights of the baker instead of ridiculing his beliefs, he would not have had a case.This narrow reading of the decision seems hard to justify. But it has caused activists in the LGBT community to immediately turn around and sue the same Christian baker...again... Justice Brett Kavanaugh has tilted the court, probably quite decisively, in the conservative direction.  He replaced Justice Kennedy, who was a moderate, voted regularly, and often would vote with the liberal wing as often as he voted with the conservative wing. and he had become a zealous advocate of LGBT rights.
 NOTE (JB) :     But does not this point out the very serious question: "Whose rights are superior"?  Can one right supersede another, if yes then which side gets the courts "blessings"? What WILL be the cost to the public at large?  What will this do to the rapists rights? The bank robbers rights?  Well, you say, all these are against the law, but then so was Sodomy, at one time, right? Where do we as a society draw the line, when we chose to operate outside of the The Ten Commandments of God?
Please know the first FOUR Laws from God, are for our relationships with Him, the remaining 6 are for our relationships with each other--------  note.....

     Matthew 5:28  "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

The above is the "Spirit" of the law which says...
     Deuteronomy 5:18  ".Neither shalt thou commit adultery."


   But, again, religious freedom advocates need to remember that here, too, there is danger in absolutism. Rights to sexual freedom and identity can become oppressive if given no meaningful limits, but claims to "Religious Freedoms" can also be used as a tool to entrench or impose the beliefs of a religious majority.
     Though religious liberty is the first and foundational freedom in that it reveals the transcendence nature of all our rights, it cannot be absolute.Murder, adultery, or theft cannot be justified or defended in the name of  exercising one's religious liberty.Similarly, a religion that claims the right to impose itself on others through the use of public funds, resources, or policies can become as oppressive as the secular ideologies it seeks to appose..

NOTE(JB) : Whenever, and, wherever, Church and state became one, PERSECUTIONS SOON FOLLOWED!  Look at ISIS today and, the Roman Church of yesteryears, "The Dark Ages"
     A hint that the court may be moving towards this other extreme was revealed in a very recent matter of a death row inmate Domineque Ray. Ray was a Muslim believer, and he requested that he be allowed to have an Imam, a Muslim clergyman, at his side during his final moments. Prison regulation, however, only permitted prison employees to be in the death chamber, and only chaplains on staff were Christian. So Christian inmates could have a Christian chaplain at their side at an execution, but other faiths were out of luck.
   Ray challenged this up to the Supreme Court, but all five conservative judges on this court sided against Ray, ruling that the First Amendment did not provide him equal access to a chaplain of his religion.
    Interestingly, the four liberal judges sided with Ray, arguing that the Constitution required religious groups to be treated equally. Justice Elena Kagan wrote that "The clearest command of the Establishment Clause" is that "one religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another", but,, "the State's policy does just that." So the conservatives who often have the most to say about religious liberty, at times don't appear to extend that same freedom to Non-Christian Religions.
    The conservative justices also seem less aware of the importance of the Establishment Clause to maintaining religious freedom. In  the First Amendment, our Protestant Founders sought to balance the right to religious freedom with the right to be free from religious impositions be state authorities. Religious people cannot, in the name of religious freedom, impose their religious beliefs through the mechanisms of the state.


    This same pattern of balancing of values ca n be seen throughout the Bill of Rights, as the rights of individual privacy, give way to public security concerns in the face of particularized search warrants: life, liberty, and property are protected from arbitrary or lawless intrusions, and rights of victims and the accused are balanced through procedural protections.
    This Protestant idea of the community of rights is brought to its height in the Ninth Amendment. Here it is acknowledged that the community of rights extends beyond those listed in the Constitution--- that the rights listed in the Constitution should not be used or " construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people"

NOTE(JB) : In other words, to quote an old saying, "Your rights stops your fist 1/4 of an inch from my nose! This all rights are equal, and no one's rights are superior to an other's! IF..IF I am a baker, and a same sex couple wants me to bake them a cake commemorating their union, they should ask, if that's OK with me, IF..IF its not, then ask me If I know a baker that is willing. All, concerned part in a good mood! But I guess that's the why we in the U.S of A. have more lawyers that rest of the world, combined! They ALL want to make a living, right?

    Matthew 22:35  "Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,"

   It reminds originalists and living constitutionalists alike that we are meant to interpret the3 rights, both internal and external, in which it itself was formed Further, it reveals that these rights are not the product or gift of the Government but reside in the people. The Declaration of Independence reveals that these rights did not originate with the people; they originated with God Himself.


    This all means that the wrong position on a host of constitutional rights questions may not be primarily HOW one comes down of an issue, but rather the MANNER in which the position is held. The wrong position in all cases involving a clash of fundamental rights is the one that says these are  easy cases for the Supreme Court. Those who admit the difficulty of the balancing of the values involved have it right, however they many come out on the merits of these cases.
     Freedom of religion, expression, and movements are among our most venerable and deeply rooted liberties; yet nondiscrimination, personal safety, and national security are also profound values that are core and central to our society. Whenever these rights clash, a fair resolution will involve careful, nuanced, difficult evaluations of values and balancing of interests.
     To say that a decision that involves such competing values is easy means ignoring years of history and experiences during which our national community has learned to appreciate also important values. It's easy to remember the individual rights that we personally value the most. But it's also easy to forget the community of rights, of which they are a part--- a community of give and take that makes our society a civil and fair place to life, for all people, of all faiths, and values.
    This is the society that our dissenting Protestant founders envisioned and that has become a blessing and safeguard for people of all faiths and no-faiths alike. We do well to seek tp preserve it from extremes of either the secular left or the Zealous right.

Nicolas Miller, IJ,PhD, is a professor of history at Andrews University, Berrien Springs , Michigan , who specializes in religious liberty and constitutional law.

The state of Colorado withdrew its legal action against Masterpiece Cakeshop before the case reached the Supreme Court, probably recognizing that, given the Court's conservative majority, their chance of winning was slim.

Thanking Y O U, for your time.  Questions?  Comments?  John at

WANT/NEED more? Visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church any SABBATH/Saturday at 9-10 AM.YOUR Father-God, has set aside a place for Y O U, no other can fill!

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Blessings to all