Thursday, December 22, 2011

A UNIVERSAL FLOOD- is there evidenace?

Yes, there is both direct and indirect proof for a universal, as apposed to only local floods.

  1. Wherever fossils are found, the bulk of them have been found in many what science calls "bone Beds", meaning many animals, either articulated or dis-jointed, and piled up together. just as we saw from the massive but local flooding in Indian Ocean's huge waves caused by underwater earthquake, or the huge waves that hit Japan's coastal regions, showed clearly all bodies, animal and human, were gathered up into large piles!
  2. Does this not sound as a reasonable explanation for the so called bone beds? There's one in S. Africa, that covers many football sized areas,that both warm/tropic loving animals, as well as those from cold climates,including many fish types, all just jumbled together in a huge area!
  3. Then there's the KT layer, that is found in every continental land mass, of earth! As shown in the Bones in Stones, blog, this chalk layer can only be formed in shallow oceanic seas, even if they are found many thousands of feet in present elevations. That only shows and proves that mountains were shoved up, were under water, for at least long enough for these tiny animals to live and die, and their shells collect in layers, as deep as the White Cliffs of Dover, England, or as shallow as today Atlantic Ridge highest peaks.
Sadly, however science, which states is the human search for truth, will not, nor can it allow for the Biblical Flood, the one for which Noah and his three sons and their wives, a 8 person crew, built as per Heaven's blueprint, to hold themselves and all the animals the Lord had gathered up and put into the Ark. [Genesis 6-8.] Science can not allow for this to be accepted, because of their evolution's time scale, will not allow for two evolutions to spring up from nothing to all the life we see in both fossil and the living records of life today!

  • Quite simply put, their version MUST begin with a small single cell life form, that then via evolution evolves into larger and more complex life forms, and with a flood there's not the billions of years of time.
  • However, if the above concept is accepted, from simple to complex, would not the fossil record have many, many more of the in-between life forms showing the progression from simple to complex? It must! many times over yet there is none yet found. All fossils are from complex life forms, that are from completed animals and other life forms. There are not ever found a half turtle and half something else!
  • However all the while they are teaching or should I say preaching this, they also speak to the Pre and the Cambrian layers time frames, as an literal explosion of many differing types of life form, just like that,"Punctuated" they call it, no growth and then suddenly an explosion of growth in types and kinds of life forms.! 
  • Now which is it? I mean nobody can have their cake and eat it at the same time, can we? They can't have slow steady progression from simple to complex and still have an explosion of life forms fully developed ready for life and reproduction now can they?
  • All this is, of course, far ahead of their beginnings. The first life form on earth, came from, and YOU may choose, from space in a frozen rock and ice meteorite, or lightning hitting slime to zoo to you, or Outer Space Aliens sowed life upon earth!
  • How many persons know that those "Moon Rocks," were actually the source of heated debates, regarding just what age they needed to decide to make public? So much science's search for truth, right?
  • Also how many of you know that a few scientists have taken plain steel pipe with a pipe caped at each end, after inserting a plain wood dowel with a bit of water, tap water, sealed it up air tight, and put it into an electric furnace for two weeks, at 1,500 degree F, and when they checked it  it was nearly already a piece of coal! Yet science still claims coal is made of over millions and billions of years. Yet, man has made it in 2 weeks? So double, or triple the time and lower the temperature, and still make coal in months!
  • Now take a whole earth flood, one that deposits all earth's vegetation in many areas, but huge deposits in a few places! Albania, has an brown coal open pit mine that's the world's largest, coal is mined as far as the eye can see. Right here in the U.S. there a hard coal mine whose proven reserves are staggering,  average 50 miles wide, and in places over a 100 thick, and 800+ miles long. Most is coal from trees and three bark, this must have been the result of what could only have been a Universal flood!
  • Plus, there's evidence in most of earth's dessert areas, that water covered then at one time, but that also is on the 'Verbotten List"! If one points these fact out them they quickly change the subject!
  • Much of this science fully rests upon the table of Relativity! As in how old is this rock? "Well it's all relative you know! Just pick an age, you are comfortable with? 
  • Most sadly, all this and more is still taught as proven facts, in MOST, but not all, the schools, on earth, as the gospel truth, when they know it's all a lie!
  • From  Nothing  to nothing equals nothing, and only God can change that equation! Perhaps He did say "BANG" when He spoke all into existence!


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