Thursday, November 17, 2011

G.M.O's. The genetically modified food.

   Yes they still insist to call this stuff FOOD! Grains, such as soy beans, have been re-engineered, to accept and tolerate weed killer sprays! This includes canola seed, and a few others. So, when you eat foods made from these products, guess what you also eat?

    Take the tomato, and inject within its D.N.A. from the D.N.A. of a fish, in order for the "NEW" tomato to be more frost resistant!

    Never, ever before, has nature, within itself, allowed cross-species genetic changes, thank goodness, cows don't birth pigs, but men are shoving human growth hormones into mice, that then grow to small rats in size! Now please tell me the purpose for this? They have done the same in pigs, but they are fully unable to stand or walk, due to muscular and skeleton defects. All because of the quest for greater profits, via increased yields, and or a faster maturation rate for livestock.

    So, how is this possible, you ask, because don't we have Governmental Agencies, over looking these things, in order to protect our society?

   Well. . .yes & no! You see the Department heads, from the F.D.A. Agriculture Dept., and a few others within the Alphabetic array, we find they play "musical chairs," with Managers! The head of a drug company one year may be the head of the FDA the nest year, and then switch back again latter. This goes for most of our so-called 'watchdog agencies', yet YOU expect that they have YOUR best interests in mind?
For documentation: 


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