So, we left of with the "Inner Circles" teaching that Jesus Christ, was only a "Created Being" thus not God, within those "In the Know" in the Catholic Church, in the Mormon Church, and in the Jehovah's Witness
Church, as well as all the higher ranks/degrees of all the Secret Societies.
Does this not sound like that they must truly hate Jesus Christ? Who else hates Jesus, but Satan?
We know from Daniel's little Horn and yet to be Revelation's 13th chapter, that Satan is the power through his agency the Vatican and all her allies, all teach this Antichrist dogmas!
All of the above teach against Jesus as THE Only Savior of mankind. Thus they have placed their hopes with Satan, right?
Note: If one's goal, is to reach all of humanity, even those who are not, shall we say, "easily churched"? Then you set up a organization to do just that that! The Baha'i Faith
In Haifa, Israel June 13, 2003, Nearly 1.5 million people have visited the garden terraces surrounding the Shrine of the BAB on Mount Carmel, since their opening on June 4th 2001.
On the Sign in the grounds speaks to its main aim: "To bring fundamental Unity to all religions" and it goes on to speak of unity in all fields, and ends with.."The total Illumination of the whole world"
This sign is just filled with all the buzz words of the Occult as are their signs just all over the building and grounds, such as pantograph flower beds!
"....the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz.... came into being approximately 8 thousand years ago. Then came Taurus, the Bull, wherein Mithra came as the world teacher and instituted the Mysteries of Mithra's with an [apparent] worship of the Bull. Next followed Aries, the Ram, Which saw the start of the Jewish Dispensation, which is of importance to the Jews and unfortunately of importance to the Christian religion, but of no importance to the untold millions in the other parts of the world: during this cycle came the Buddha, Shri Krishna, and, Sankaracharva; finally we have the age of Pisces, the fishes, which brought us to the Christ . {Note: not the biblical Christ, but the Comic Christ] The sequence of the Mysteries which each of the signs of the Zodiac embodied will be clarified for us by the Christ. P.127.
NOTE: Jahin and Boaz, is the heart and soul of Freemasonry, showing this "Fruit" did not roll from from the tree of origin, did it?
From the Musical Film "HAIR" out of the 1970's
When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.................; note oops I thought it was gravity not love that controls
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius;
Harmony and Understanding
Sympathy and Trust abounding
No more falsehood or division.....; anything religious outside of God's Word is false
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystical crystal revelations
And the mind' s true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius! Aquarius!
Note: What a bunch of lies, it's all Luciferian garbage! What does the Holy Bible speak to about this? What are the two "Pillars" we can put out faith and trust upon? The Commandments of God, and the faith of Christ!
Revelation 14:12. "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."
new age books & magazines: PYRAMID POWER. . ASTROLOGY FOR MILLIONS. AMULETS & TALISMANS. COSMIC KEYS. NATURAL HEALING. HANDS of LIGHT. ARCHETYPES on the TREE OF LIFE. THE ENOCHIAN WORKBOOK of Magick. { note-that's how they spell it) BNUCKLANDS COMPLETE BOOK OF WITCHCRAFT . THUITE Voices from Heaven [Stephen O'Brien] Kathleen Burk's ARCHETYPES OF THE ZODIAC.{NOTE: in England you can go to a University and take a course in witchcraft, become a witch and at Government's expense, how nice! Remember during the dark ages, the Church burned many under the charge of witchcraft? Either White-good?, or Black-evil matter not which, But now those in Rome, endorse it!}
Once within the Magic Circle, the witch says the following: "Great Mysteries of the Universe.. swiftly execute my wishes... I summon you by the great names full of power, OF THE ILLUMINATE OF THE FIRMAMENT.. appear to me as I evoke the sacred influence of all the principalities and powers.... Do you come in peace through THE POWER OF THE EXALTED ILLUMINATI? Will you serve me and reveal all things unto me of land and sea, of knowledge and wisdom, of good and bad of natural law and of sorcery?"
NOTE: This is the calling for Lucifer, the Devil, and no other! So unless you want more woes than 1,000's can stand, leave this garbage alone!
Ephesians 6:12. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Note: Does the Bible condone this stuff?
Deuteronomy 18:10-12. "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee."
Note: Will you listen to the ONE who gave YOU life, and can give it to you eternally, or will you listen and obey men? The word NECROMANCER- is a channellor, or the one who "speaks" to the dead, which are living evil spirits only!
MODERN CHANNEL by the name of: Virginia Essene says:
"Jesus said through her" Death is the creation of humanity, not of God. This is the simple truth. "
Note: "..Not of God." So who is this God of hers?
Genesis 3:4. "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:"
Note: So who but Satan, used the serpent as a proxy, to speak through it to Eve, but the devil himself, thus he is her god!
How about the titles of these books? "THE LIFE OF DEATH" by C. Barker. or: "YOU CANNOT DIE" by Jan Curre it has the symbol to the SAHMASH ON THE TOP COVER.
NOTE: Now is this or is this not the language of the Serpent?
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6. "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any [thing*] that is done under the sun."
[*] thing this word was added by the translators, for the sake of flow of words. Does not the Bible say, dead is dead, and that life ceases, while one is dead, until the Resurrection Morn? YES! but.....
"The Living Tarot," by Amber Jayanti, or "Practical Candle Burning Rituals" by R. Backland or how about, "Personal Alchemy" by Amber Wulf,[ note the red rose on the cover is symbolic of Lucifer] "Ancient Magicks for a New Age" by Allen Richarson and Geof Hughes. Plus one with a cover that just loaded with occult symbols "Planetary Magick," by Mark d. and; O.H. {Names not clear in pix]
Note: Modern Channel J.Z. Knight from New York: Ramtha [ascended master from Atlantis] speaks through her to her clients which include: Shirley Maclaine, Burt Reynolds, Clint Eastwood, Richard Chamberlain, the late Joan Hacket, Shelly Fabares, Mike Farrel and Linda Evens.
From: Horas Publishing, Inc and "The Center for Esoteric Studies, Liberating with Light" {note is this why Hollywood has gone so Satanic?]
RAMTHA, CHANNELED BY J.Z. KNIGHT, as reported in New Age catalogue, p,5.
"Throughout, history, we have tried many different avenues to remind you of your greatness, your power, and your foreverness of your life. We have been king, conqueror, crucified Christ, teacher. friend, philosopher- anything that would permit knowledge to occur. At times we have intervened in your affairs to keep you from annihilating yourselves, so that life here would continue to provide a playground for your experiences and your evolution joy."
NOTE: "Your foreeverness of your life" she says we are eternal here right? BUT. . . "to KEEP YOU FROM ANNIHILATING YOURSELVES," then she says we can die? Is this not speaking out of both sides of the mouth, at the same time, or do I mistake the words meanings?
Note: Remember the Mormons also teach that men sinned so that we can have what? JOY!
J.C. Knight "We can not give ourselves over to the concept that there is only ONE Son of God, because then WHO ARE YOU"?
NOTE: Did you friend know that fire walking, teaches to to focus and become divine?
"A Course in Miracles" by Helen Schucman [Psychologist, Psychiatry Department , Columbia University] "She started "hearing" voices an inaudible voice which dictated messages to her. This continued for seven years.
To continue Helen's first-person account: "Thee starling month preceded the actual writing during which time Bill suggested that I write down the highly symbolic dreams and descriptions of the strange images that were come to me.Although I had grown more accustomed to the unexpected by that time. I was still very surprised when I wrote. This is a course in miracles...! That was my introduction to the Voice. It made no sound, but seemed to be giving me a kind of rapid inner dictation which I took down by shorthand notebook. The writing was never automatic. It could be interrupted at any time and later picked up again. It made me very uncomfortable, but it never seriously occurred to me to stop. It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to complete it.
"But why me..?
"Because you wish to know the true me, are you willing to serve, and have given me permission to enter your life." Over and over again I was told that because of this is a free-will planet, all of us must ask to receive the spiritual ones.... must agree to cooperate by our personal choice."
H. Schucman continues: MANUAL FOR TEACHERS:
There is no need for help to enter Heaven, for you have never left. But there is need for help beyond yourself as you are circumscribed by false beliefs of your Identity. Which God alone established in reality. Helpers are given you in many forms, although upon the alter they are one. Beyond each one there is a Thought of God, and this will never change. But they have names with differ for a time, for time needs symbols, being itself unreal. The names are legion, but we will not go beyond the names the course itself employs. God does not help because He knows no need. But He creates all Helpers His Son while he believes his fantasies are true. Thank God for them for they will lead you home."
Note: Are you friend, beginning to see the total onslaught against Christ, His Divinity, His Place, His powers?
Her lesson 204:
"I am not a body, I am free..............NOTE: she thinks she's a spirit?
For I am still as God created me."
[184] "The Name of God is my inheritance."
God's Name reminds me that I am His Son,
Not a slave to time, unknown by laws which rule...note: eternal? I make my own laws!
The world of sick illusions, free in God
Forever and forever one with Him"
"I am not a body, I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
SCIENTOLOGY: Teaches one to become "CLEAR"
"Magic and the Western Mind" by Careth Knight
This is not much more than New Age, with "E-Meters" that functions as like a Lie Detector, with an electric jolt. They ask the most personal private questions, and when they think you lied, BBZZZTTT they zap you with a jolt of electricity! to clear your mind! This makes one "Confessional" and makes you so relieved that you become a god!
NOTE:'ve read [hopefully within these Blogs} about the New World Order,, but that also includes the "NEW WORLD RELIGION" Find below a sample of what this means.....
"The keynote of the New World Religion is Divine Approach. "Draw near Him and He will draw near to you" {NOTE: THE WHOM WE ARE TO DRAW NEAR TO IS NOT IDENTIFIED, right?] is the injunction, emanating in new and clear tones from the Hierarchy today. The great themes of the New World Religion, will be the unifying of the great divide Approaches; the task ahead of the churches is to prepare humanity, through organized and spiritual movements, for the fifth imminent Approach; the method employed will be the scientific and intelligent use of Invocation and Evocation and the recognition of its stupendous potency; the objective of the coming Approach of the preparatory work and of the invocation, is revelation- a revelation which has ever been cyclically given and which today is ready for man's acceptance."
Note: Did YOU understand this gobbledy- gook? I did not!
1.New Age: Jesus is one of the Masters BIBLE: Jesus is the Son of God
2 " " Achieve godhood through works " : Saved by Grace
3. " " Awake Christ consciousness within " : Jesus the ONLY way [salvation outside of self]
4. " " Lucifer- the true son of God " : Lucifer is the Devil
5. "" " Worship the creation. " : Worship God
6. " " Physical man evolved spiritual
man has always existed " : Man was created by God
7. " " God is part of creation [pantheism] " ; God is not part of but is the Creator
8. " " Teaches reincarnation " : Teaches Resurrection.
9. " " Truth is within " : The Word is truth
The BIBLE Teaches us to wait for the Second Coming of Christ, which SHALL be visible to all. His coming in glory is the blessed hope.
THE NEW AGE , waits of the Maitreya who will assist with the establishment of a one world government, monetary system and religion.
11. " " Turn form ignorance, there's no sin. " : Turn from sin.
12. '' " . Discover your won divinity " : Become Christ like via Sanctification.
Mother Theresa: "Would it surprise you this lady of great renown was a New Age Proponent?
"Oh, I hope am converting, I don't mean what you think...If in the coming face to face with God we accept Him in our lives, then we are converting. We become a better Hindu, a better Muslim, a better Catholic, a better whatever we are."
"What approach would I use? For me, naturally, it would one a Catholic one, for you it may be Hindu, for someone else Buddhist, according to one 's conscience. What God is in your mind, you must accept"
Note: how does this compare to......
John 14:6 . "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Note: This is only a comparison, to point out a Bible truth, is not always in line with what a person says or believes, and not a judgement, Christ shall be our Judge! Now does this mean that no Non-Christian can be saved? NO...NO! We each are judged only by the amount of Light/Truth each has received, and how fully we lived up to that amount of truth! So yes Heaven shall have many "SAVAGES" IF ONE ALLOWS THE USE OF THIS TERM.
1 Peter 4:8. "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins"
Note: Those who know the old me, will now the why I do these blogs, because of my past, I hope to divert others from that path!. The following is a huge mouthful title:
"Global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival> @ Oxford University, attended by 100 political and 100 spiritual leaders:
"We must merge the ethical and practical, the politician and the priests, the sacred and the secular: This was the Theme"
NOTE: Sorry but history has fully shown that when church and State operate as one, persecution of the people is never far behind! Look at the Religiously led nation of Islam, and of Europe's Dark Ages! So who were some of the attendees?
On the spiritual side sponsors included Archbishop of Canterbury- { NOTE: Head of the English Church, that used to be Anglican but is now Roman Catholic}. Robert Runcie. Catholic Cardinal Franz-Koening of Austria. The Dalia Lama, as well as "senior" Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and the colorfully dressed representatives of the Shinto, Sikh. Zoroastrian- Jaia, and the Hopi religions. According to the organizers the gathering was the first step in forging "A new partnership in response to a global crisis."
NOTE: which global crisis? Has there been a new never before seen crisis, that has come about? The ONLY crisis I see world wide is one of a total lack of MORALS! Can YOU not help but think "What if all of humanity began living within the Ten Commandments of God?"
" The more distant objective: To create a kind of United Nations of faith:"
"Where the representatives of faith and philosophies could meet and in order top discuss the future together, whilst abandoning their fatwas, theses and other terrible arms of excommunication and exclusion and relegating them to the cloak room."
NOTE: How can we honestly set aside God's truth? Because it is THIS that they speak to, as you can see
"This is a very noble "Ecumenical Initiative" .... with the widest possible meaning, having been called into being despite of the lack of initiative of the U.N., by a TED TURNER , who funded the initiative. He is the vice-president of Time Warner Inc., and the co-founder of CNN. "For every sin there is grace: ten years ago, the flamboyant boss of the instantaneous television had declared that CHRISTIANITY WAS NOTHING BUT AN AFFAIR FOR "LOSERS AND FREAKS".
note: Satan does reward those who are useful to him, but when you are no longer of us, then bye bye! Just look at all that followed him and died of drug overdoses, or other self destructive methods!
Buddhism : teaches re-incarnation, and that we must seek divinity from within, and it can be said that it but a Sect of Hinduism The present and still living Dalia Lama, is in need of a successor, but they can't wait for his RE-INCARNATION, so they have already chosen the next Dalia Lame, who has been in Training" since he could just begin to walk! So much for the re-incarnation, right?
Note: Does this not mean that the Dalia Lama's spirit must be continuously be jumping from the one to the other? And people buy this? Of course they hold him not only as King but also a god! Which one the old one or the young eventual replacement? Or both? HUM god/king just as the Popes? Yet the Dalia Lama MUST consider himself subservient to the Pope because he bows down to him and not the other way round! Can U say, "What a web we weave, when we first begin to deceive?"
The PROMISED GOD-MAN IS HERE Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
by Divine Translation in MY Inherently "Bright" Self-Domain. Feb. 21, 1997.
AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ I have always persisted in being a Lover only. That is My Genius. That is how I got to Realize Most Perfectly..
It is not enough to pursue Realization as a relief from suffering. realization must be That Which certainly is not suffering.
I am the Avatar of "Brightness" the Way of Adidam is not about seeking to be relieved of suffering. It is about Happiness, it is about being in love with ME> All as condition of taking in ME, are obligated to fall in love with ME. And having accepted this "In-Love", one can no longer say that life is suffering. It i9s not merely that.
The heart-recognition of the Person and the Truth of Existence itself is the foundation of Adidam. This 'in-love" response to Me is the means whereby MY Divine Heart Transmission is Granted. Therefore, it is the foundation and essence of practice, until you are established Most Perfectly by Divine Translation, in My Inherently "Bright" Self Domain"
NOTE: All those upper case M's are his, but what a mouth full of both self-deception and aggrandizement, right? No wonder he's always surrounded my beautiful young women! Now who want to "fall-in-love" with this fat little guy?
AMRITA ANANDO MAYI {"Amma" is her nickname]
She was awarded the "Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders" in the Palais des Nations, Geneva Switz. October 7th 2002
Note: she is another of the many god-men and god-women walking around today! Here is her address to the United Nations:
[Yes the one with the Internal Pyramid shaped room full of the occult symbols]
"There is one Truth and it shines through all of creation. Rivers and mountains, plants and animals, the sun, the moon, and the stars, you and I. {note: this is pure Pantheism} All are expressions of this one Reality. It is by assimilating this truth in our lives and thus gaining a deeper understanding, that we can discover the inherent beauty in this diversity. When we work together as a global family, nor merely belonging to a particular race, religion or nation, peace and happiness will once again prevail on this earth which is drenched with the tears of division and conflict."
Note: How nice, but upon whose ideals shall we build this utopia? God's, Man's or Satan's? However when did this earth experience this peace and happiness but during the Garden of Eden? For sure, not ever since!
NOTE: Who can NOT but fail to see Rome's quest for their Ecumenical Movement, within her speech?
His Divine Grace [founder of the Hare` Krishna Movement (a mile long Indian name} The twelve around ONE.
Note: Think Satan is a copy-cat, an impostor, Jesus has 12 Disciples, Twelve Tribes of Israel. Satan is just a poor copy of the original, and he'll never get any better!
SHEI SHERDI BABA, the original (?) BABA he died but we still have one, his so-called reincarnation.
SWAMI DHIRENDRA, [he was Iranda Ghandi's personal guru.] AND let's not forget His Holiness [his title] Maharishna Mabesh Yogi [if you've heard his speak, he sounds more like a Mafia Don}
[Note: why do all their names have the BAB = gate + El = god thus Babel, gate to god?}
Let's not forget the Bahia' Faith ,Who have the largest U.N block of representatives over 800 member staff.
Founded by: BAHA' U 'LLA'H [linking the faith with the Ba'hi' faith founded by Trb' Ba'h, meaning gate. He announced that he was the coming One in 1844, His sonAdu'l Baha' was his successor, who then appointed Abuda' Il- Babha' , in turn his grandson Shogi Effendi Rubbanni became Guardian of the Behai' Faith.and interpreter of its teachings.
NOTE: have you ever wondered about the why this 1844 date just keeps cropping up over and over?
Today, we have the BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA, in control of this stuff, seen mostly sporting a huge fluffy Afro, and calls himself almighty god! His full name? SRI SATTHY SAI BABAQ, ASHRAME PUTTAPARTHI. . He's driven around in a gold car.
NOTE: Who is control? Ever heard of the term Jesuit Swamis? Remember a Jesuit , like a Comellian, blends is with it's and his surroundings, by becoming as same as the ones he is with! They adopt the dress, the customs, the diets, and the worships, and accept the doctrines of those they are with, while steering ever so gently the group's leaderships into their ways, for their goals, One World Order, run by the Popes. Because in the Jesuits training they become ALL things to ALL men, in All places!
Who remember the fellow, who set up a "Empire in Oregon U.S.A" With their own town and own laws?
Bhagwan shree ranjneesg [ 1931- 1990] "Osho" with his fleet of 50 Rolls Royce's? He had 1,000' s of loyal followers who worship him as a god.In fact many said he's even greater than God!
Note: Of all the so-called Guru's that come to the West, are ALL super rich, and have little time to speak to individuals, unless they also are very rich. They have gathered vast land holdings, huge palaces and armed body guards. {Q: why would a god need armed guards for protection?] They own huge luxury hotels and most have their fleet of private planes, from Jests to Helicopters.
Ken Wilber [New Age psychologist]: "The great goddess Kali of India, when viewed in her highest form as the wife of Shiva, is a perfect example of the assimilation of the old Great Mother image into a new and higher corpus of Great Mother Goddess mythology- which serves actual sacrifice in awareness, not SUBSTITUTE SACRIFICE IN BLOOD."
Note: Can you not help but see the hate they have for Jesus, just the same as Satan's hate for our Savior? He continues:
"The fall [of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden Gen 3] was an evolutionary advance and perfect growth but it was experienced as a fall because it necessarily carried an increase in guilt, vulnerability and knowledge of mortality and finitude. {Up From Edan}
Ibid: Ken Wilber: "BY eating from the Tree of Knowledge, not only did men and woman realize their already mortal and finite state, they realized f the had to leave Edan;'s subconscious and begin actual life of true self."
"They did not get thrown out of the Garden of
Edan; they grew up and walked out. (Incidentally, for this courageous act, we have to thank Eve, not blame.]
Note: This is the very same dribble that Mormonism teaches, that Freemasonry upholds, and the Jesuits adhere to.
Matthew Fox "Coming of the COSMIC CHRIST" [who is this M. Fox? A Catholic Priest, who became an Episcopal Priest ( they are interchangeable after all).
"This book is about the sacred and our response to it: reverence, The sacred what"? "The sacred everything. The sacred creation: stars, galaxies, whales, soil, water tree, humans, thoughts, bodies, images, the holy omnipresence of the Divine One in all things.[ note: this is straight-up Pantheism} The Western term for this image of God present in all things, is the Cosmic Christ"...What creature dare deny that it is an immortal diamond? An original blessings/an image of the Divine One? It is my experience that only the human species dares to deny its divinity, dares to deny the Cosmic Christ" Harper ,San Francisco, P.8.
"If my thesis is correct that it is time to move from the quest for the historical Jesus to the quest for the Cosmic Christ, this would help to diffuse the distorted religion and pseudo-mystical movement of our time popularly known as fundamentalism and sometimes called Christo-fascims"..... In the book I am calling for the dismantling of liberal religion and the re grounding of faith in a mystical, prophetic, cosmological worldview--- a transformation of reshuffling of a tired agenda, not merely the kind of renewal that John XX111dreamed of when he launched his revolution in the Vatican in the 1960s. Perhaps a new "ecumenical council" will be forthcoming in our lifetime." This one would be deeply ecumenical and would call forth the wisdom of all the world's religions." P. 7 .IBID.
Note: If we put ALL earth's religions into one big pot, just what kind of religious stew would that make? How can man or men blend truth with error and wind up with anything other than error? Because. it then would be 100% of men, of human ideas of human rule! I'll stick to the Word of God, as it is found in the King James version, thank YOU, and NOT and the NEW either! As ALL the newer "Versions" have taken out the heart of the Messianic Message! If we take Christ out from the Bible what's left?
Note: Now who, or should I say which Pope, made this statement? The Government the Church of Rome is most comfortable with is Fascism? Yet those who cling to the REAL Bible, are now called Fascists? So what does this Fox, who is a heavyweight in his filed, a deep thinker, say this will men to humans?
Ibid P.7.
" This Cosmic Christ will make things happen, will effect a change of heart, a change of culture, a change of ways. this Cosmic Christ will leas to deep sexuality; deep communication between young and old; deep creativity in lifestyles {NOTE:don't we have this already with Adam and Steve, Eve and Susan in wedlock, an man born and surgically made into a woman, suing Miss America Pageant, because they rejected her/his? application?] Work and education: deep worship[; deep ecumenism and interaction among all religions on the planet".
NOTE: now how deep is deep? Well Satan will for sure, make certain that each of his followers will be as deep in the Lake of Fire as he has already been judged and sentenced to, it's not yet carried out!
Ibid P.71
"The Eucharist... There is a promise of maternal Eros in all this...Religion that represses and distorts the maternal will repress the ancient tradition of God as Mother and of the goddess in every person."
Note: Most people who know history of the Dark Ages of Europe, know the True Repressive Powers, of Truth, still reside in the Vatican, then as now! However who fails to read of the old sex cults of Isis in this passage? All this in a slow but very deliberate attempt to attune the human mind to the Occult, via all the branches of the Media, as the4 likes of the Harry Potter, and all it's like!
K.T. Rowling: one of her characters in the Harry Potter series, is called VLAHBLATSKI} IN PLACE OF BLAVATSKY as in Helena Petrova Blvatsky, the "queen" of the Occult, yet many are thankful that their child is reading?????
Matthew 13:19."When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side."
CHRISTIANITY TODAY {this was Billy Graham's magazine} One of the most quoted supporters of the Potter books is Christianity Today columnist Charles Colson, who in his November 2 Break Point radio broadcast, noted that Harry and his friends "Develop courage, loyalty. and a willingness to sacrifice for one another.... even at the risk of their lives. Not bad lessons in a self-centered world"
Note: The Trident is symbolic of Zeus, is this OK with a "Born-Again Christ Man" that Mr Colson claims to be?
COMMON PRACTICES of EARTH-CENTERED RELIGIONS: as practiced in many nations.
1.Altered States of Consciousness
2. Dreams and Visions
3. Astrology
4. Divination palmistry, taro cards, wee gee boards etc.
6. Magic- spells, sorcery
7. occult charms and symbols
8. solstice Rites
9. Human Sacrifice
10. Sacred Sex
11. Serpent Worship
Note: all of the above are forbidden is God's Word!
1. Present palatable versions of target beliefs
2. Dismantle the student's previous beliefs [vilify Christianity]
3. Blend new beliefs with science to add credibility
4. Redefine words to fit the new beliefs
5. Rewrite History
6. Provide mystical experiences that contradict old beliefs
7. Immerse students enticing forms of the new beliefs
8. Use target beliefs to answer questions answered by former beliefs
9 Demand "Purity"
known to Christians as the Christ [note: note the Biblical Jesus Christ] to the Orient as the Bodhi-sattva, to Mohammedans as the Imam Madhi.
Appeared in Idia as Shri Krishna, in Palestine as Christ, in Great Briton as St Patric, whose ethereal body he now holds. Resides in the Himalayas. His office is that of World Teacher. He presided over the destiny of the great religions.
His Agent in this world today is Benjamin Creme: "A Messenger of Hope" A British artist and long-time student of esoteric philosophy, has become the principal source of information about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1922 Benjamin Creme began studying art at a early age, developing into an accomplished painter in the modernistic style.
In 1982 his Tara Center organisation took out full page advertisements in major papers world-wide, declaring that "The Christ is Here Now". "Revitalized Christian churches as well as Masonic lodges will be used for purposes of giving mass planetary initiations" {C. Cumby , "Hiden Dangers of the Rainbow". p. 140}
Note: This is almost word for word the Humanist Manifesto, and the rights of man written and declared by France during the Age of Reason, which has been nearly word for word adopted by the Vatican! Now I ask YOU is this God's Language right out from the Bible or is this from the Serpent language of men only?
NEW TEACHINGS for an Awakening Humanity by "The Christ"
Theology is usually useless and argument over scripture is wasteful energy. Simply take the theme of loving and live it. P. 122
Note: Again is this the God or the serpent speaking these words?
Sadly went the serpent Satan says through his mouth-pieces, "I am coming soon" the world pays attention, but when Jesus says the same the world say OH NO, no way!
Revelation 22:12. "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be"
2 Peter 3:3. "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,"
2 Peter 3:4. "And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."
2 Peter 3:5-8. "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
2 Peter 2:1. "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction."
Matthew 24:4. "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."
Matthew 24:7."For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." [note: ever see the news?]
Matthew 24:11. "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."
Matthew 24:24. "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
Matthew 24:2."And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."
Note: Christ died 34 Ad, yet this total destruction did NOT take place until 70 A.D. or 36 years latter, but please note the next verse....
Matthew 24:20. "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:"
Note: Do you friend, know that there's not one record for a Believer in Jesus Christ, a Christ man or woman, that lost their live when Rome destroyed the nation of Judea and renamed it Palestine? Plus note also the flight be not on the Sabbath, that being Friday Sunset to Saturday sunset {Gen 1,2:1-3] yet Sunday was changed from a common day into a Holy day and the Holy Sabbath day was changed into a common day by men!
Now I ask you I your boss wants you to work, 16 per day but every other day, has HE or SHE the right to demand it? YES you bet, they are the boss, right? Well Ditto with God, who creates all, thus owns all, and He set a day of resw and worship on HIS DAY the Seventh Day of the week. What day does Your Calendar say this is?
No, it's NOT the SUN DAY the Venerable day of the Sun! That's from the the First Babylon that the 2ND Babylon copied, and still doing so! But under the covers of Christianity!*
Read "The Two Babylons" based on a book by Hysop
Maitreya, ha appeared hundreds of times, each time so conveniently before T,V. cameras, the first time June 1988, and he was televised for the whole world to see, on the CNN Network. Well now that's a co-incidence right? After all good old Ted Turner's a 33 rd degree Mason, has no bearing on this fact, or does it? Then CNN said he disappeared into the sky! OK!In 1998 he appeared all over the world, amazingly with airplane like schedules.
His last know appearance was in Paraguay 24th of Feb 2002 before only 200, Christean people for 18 min, Share International. org has no further information for appearances after this date!
The Second Coming of Christ:!
"With great power and glory." {Matt. 24:30-31; 25:31; Mark 8:38; Luke 21:27;
"Coming with the clouds of heaven [clouds= angles] {Matt 24:30; 26:64; Mark 14:62; Acts 1:11; 1Thes. 1:10; 4:16; 2Thes. 1:7 ; Rev; 17.
"To punish those who refuse to know God". { 2Thes. 1:8-9.]
" To redeem God's People. {Rom,8:23
"Comes with His angels [Matt 16:27; Mark 13:26}
"Like lightning that shines from the east to the west." [ Matt. 24:27]
"All eyes shall see Him" [Rev. 1:7}
"Resurrection of the righteous." [Matt 24:31; 1Cor 15:51; 1 Thes 4:15-17; Mark 13:29
There shall be a resurrection, because 80% of all Bible prophecy has come to pass as it is written, and only a fool will think the last 20 % will not!
Psalms 14:1 <
Please be not a fool.
Thank you Father for all your Blessings.
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