This Book, in the past was a very important issue, in fact many a war was begun over this Bible, plus during the Middle Ages, the church banned the Bible, for public use! Yet today all seem to be satisfied that all have a Bible, right?
Sadly many don't bother to read it, but what has changed from then to now, attitudes or has something changed?
Matthew 4:4. "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." {King James Version-unless otherwise noted!}
Note: Obviously Jesus who, spoke these words, says this IS important, do you?
Isaiah 8:20. "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.?
Note: No light meaning, none of God' s truth in them!
NOTE: Think YOU, dear reader, that knowing the actual word of God, just might be of importance? If we know not the truth, can we then be deceived by a lie? Please think! There are today, many a Bible,that have left out partial verses, whole verses and even entire passages, yet your brand new Bible is called the Holy Bible? For example I have a soft cover Bible, "The Holy Bible New International Version by International Bible Society 1973,1978,1984, but TRY TO FIND ACTS 8:37 it's NOT there!
Acts 8:37 . "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
Note: Why leave out that which shows the import of Jesus Christ, unless by ecumenical movements one has to reduce the import of Christ to be equal to Buddha, Mohamed Vishnu or Shiva and any other man made gods? Because under the umbrella of ecumanicalism, we must place ALL human religions into one big stew pot! So what happens to truth when it's blended with error?
Acts 4:12. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
1 John 4:3. "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. "
NOTE: Can any man save self and, OR- YOU? NO!
Revelation 22:18. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:"
Revelation 22:19. "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
NOTE: Who among you thinks that the writers and publishers, of ANY Bible know not these two verses?
So, why have men done so? Why have they deleted whole sections, and all that show the importance and the Deity of Christ Jesus? Who but Satan would be all for this? Remember he is at war with Jesus, over YOU and ME! He can hurt Christ only by hurting one of His children, YOU and ME! By lies, by deceptions, by half truths! Because there's no light in him, nor his helpers!
and many are better than the older translations, men say, because of a better and greater knowledge of the three original languages used. But know, even the most ancient Bible Manuscript is but a copy of a copy, as there are NO ORIGINALS IN EXISTENCE!
However if the Grammar has improved, does that also mean that the context is also improved? Would this not be a good place to insert trouble, for those so inclined?
Most of our Records comes from the Oldest Christian Churches, began by the Apostles, and their Bibles where copied and meticulously so, from about the 3rd Century, in the Gothic and the Syriac tongues, down to the Waldenses, yet there some evidence that the Three Uprooted Horns (Daniel' s 70 week Prophecy BLOG} the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths also has these copies.This is why they were destroyed as peoples.
The only other source line comes to us from two places but both are identical: The Sinaiac and the Alexandrian Sources, both copies are in the Vatican vaults, and are the source of the Latin Vulgate Bibles! These are the ONLY STREAMS of Bible Sources, and not an original between them!
Both the PESHITTA SYRIAC AND THE GOTHIC VERSIONS FROM THE 2ND AND THE 4TH CENTURY, although copies, are remarkably close to meanings of the oldest known to date copies "The Dead Sea Scrolls" dated before Christ' s time on earth,. [Although they have writings that can be thought of as referring to Christ, but that's open to debate.] will show that the King James Version Revised not the NEW, compares very well to the Scrolls! BUT this version has many verses that are just GONE, in the other versions! However ALL Bibles revised after 1900, fits this bill! {AKA "LITE" BIBLES?}
The above sources are founded upon over 1,900 different manuscripts, as compared to just two single but identical sources for the Latin Bible, from which came the Douay Version in 1582, written by the Jesuits!{This version was written to counter act the Reformation}
There is yet a THIRD "Family Tree" from other old found texts, near Alexandria from the Papyrus "75" C200A.D. and Papyrus 6 C210 AD. Mixed Text, plus the Codex B 4th Cent. and main one Codex Aleph 4th Cent. for these we have the REVISED VERSION 1181+ AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION 1901, and the REVISED STANDARD VERSION 1946, as well as the NEW ENGLISH BIBLE OF 1961.
Note: ALL versions REVISED after 1900 have been under the approval and authority of the Jesuits, thus Rome! These are from the most oldest we have to dater, but does old mean accurate?
NOTE: The Peshitta & SYRIAC line we have as mentioned 1,000 of manuscript copies, from which ALL human languages have bee translated from the King James 1611AD. Now if YOU open a franchise, and have 1,000's of outlets, do YOU want or think that you need to have all of them identical, or would you allow one to sell only local specialities? For example rattle snake burgers in Texas in place of beef? It would be best if all outlets served the same standard, right?
So, let's say YOU begin a NEW Kind of chicken franchise, MY Pumpkin Chick'n , and before long you have 1,000's of outlets around the world, each Meticulously copied your original recipe , in over 200 different languages, until one day one franchisee says "I am going to make this my own franchise and change this recipe a little, and open my own chain, making his new recipe look old, then says "Heh, Folks I've got the real original for you." Well that's pretty much how we have Bibles today, that have many places where each differs from the original meanings!
That's the deception and the lies.
With this "NEW" Recipe he begins a new Church, with new ideas, such as MAN Centered - New Age, to wind up with the 40,000 religions in just the United States! So which is the TRUTH? AS ALL THESE CLAIM THEY HAVE ALL THE TRUTH?
So how do we get back to anything even remotely to the original? Well please remember that there's one that's been least subjected to translations and all it's trails, the KJV, so there's many thousands in German, and Spanish, and Chinese and all the other tongues of men, and take them word for word in comparison, and get down to the real and as original as possible meaning! Now if you find all these compare to the KJV, but not with the others, which is the most original? The KJV. Yet it also has a few errors! But it has a huge "Cloud" of witnesses in support, unlike the rest! Including 100's of letters between Church fathers, in which they wrote of Scripture verses, that are identical to those we have yet today, that were written during the 2-5 centuries! That can't be disputed! Many of these letters are even older than any of the oldest manuscripts, as most are dated, by the writers. So which do think has the best support? Funny these writers, have quoted verses that are non-existing in the other two streams!But are in the K.J.V.
Note: God is more than able to make sure His Word comes to us unadulterated be changes in meaning or deletions, would you agree? YES or NO!
Kurt Aland, "THE BIBLE IN MODERN SCHOLARSHIP" p. 336 Cf, also "Novum Testamentum.1X April, 1967, p.91.
"Kurt is co editor of both of the most widely used critical Greek texts and who is certainly the leading textual scholar on the European continent, proposes that he text of the P75 and B represents a revision of a local text of Egypt which was enforced as the dominant text in that particular province."
Note: Is Ken not saying we don't have three but two that are so identical, to be as one?
David Otis Fuller D.D. [Doctor of Divinity] says:
"Fundamentally, there are are only two streams of Bibles.
The first stream which carried the Received Text "Texus Receptus" in the Hebrew and Greek, precious manuscripts were preserved by such as the church at Pella in Palestine, where Christians fled, when in 70 AD the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. {Is that not where the Apostles were?] Thus these were NEVER in Rome!
" the Syrian Church of Antioch which produced eminent scholarship, by the Italic Church of Northern Italy, [ who had received the Scriptures over the land route from the Middle East, and NOT from Rome] and also as the same time the Gallic Church on southern France and by the Celtic Church in Great Britain, by the pre-Waldensian, and Waldensian and the churches of the Reformation."
These manuscripts have in agreement with them by far the vast majority of copies of the original text. So vast is this majority that even the enemies of the Received Text admit that nineteen-twentieths of all Greek manuscripts are of this class."
Les Garrett, 1982 Which Bible Can We Trust"? Christian Center Press p. 64.
NOTE: Please remember Rome had a huge problem with the three Horns, about Scripture, which the Ostrogoths for certain, had in their possession, and all the Popes have a curious enmity with the Holy Bible, that's not according to their ways.
The Second Stream is a small one of a very few manuscripts. These last manuscripts are represented"
A: In Greek The Vatican MS., or the Codex B in the library at Rome[ \used to write the counter Reformation Bible 1588]: and the Sinaitic or Codex Aleph. {A} [It was found in 1844, the very
year in Daniel's 2300 days/years prophecy indicated the Temple to be Cleansed, how nice?]
(NOTE: this is reported to be be the most ancient, and ancient is taken to mean good, but is it?)
B.In Latin: The Vulgate or the Latin Bible of Jerome (383 A.D.)
C. English: The Jesuit Bible of 1583, which later with vast changes is seen in the Douay of Catholic Bible.{The Good News Bibles ectera)
D. In English again- in the many modern Bibles of many tongues.
"WHICH BIBLE" &- "TRUE AND FALSE." Edited by David Otis Filler.
"So the present controversy between the King James Bible in English and the modern versions is the same old contest fought between the early church and rival sects, and later, between the Papists from the 4th century; and later still between the Reformers and the Jesuits in the sixteenth century." {Yes the War of the Roses- 30 years, and the 100 Year War, both over God's Word!)
Les Garret: 1982 "Which Bible Can You Trust?" Christean Center Press. P 15/
"We need to understand, that many of the new transcripts are taken from old manuscripts. People think that these are more reliable. In actual fact they are are saying, that a manuscript found in a waste paper basket in a cave in Mt Sinai and questionable manuscripts from Alexandria in Egypt, are more reliable than the Received Text."
Note: ALEXANDRIA was a well known library of all things occult! Those from the cave having been microscopically examined they have had words written and then erased many times, in fact rubbed out so many times they threw it away! ( there's a valid reason for the why they were found in the trash right? )
ORIGEN, being a textual critic, is supposed to have corrected numerous portions of the sacred manuscripts. Evidence to the contrary shows he changed them to agree with his own human philosophy of mystical and allegorical ideas. Thus through deceptive scholarship of this kind certain manuscripts became corrupt." Les Garrett, 1982, "Which Bible Can You Trust?" Christian Center Press. p.18.
Origen by the way would fit in as insider initiate in the Masons, in tier beliefs.
Note: He believed that man was is Divine, not just ONE, but all men are so! That's Masonic teaching, for the 30 Th degree and up, ONLY!
THE CHRONOLOGY of the 'Other Bibles'
#1. From the birth of Christ to 400A.D. Gnostic gospels and other writings were written. Paul makes mention of this in:
2 Corinthians 2:17. "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ."
NOTE: In Paul' s time were they already corrupting the Word of God, and they were even then, as now, outnumbered, right?
#2. In 331 AD Constantine ordered that an Ecumenical Bible be written. Eusebius, a follower of Origen, was assigned to direct this task. Eusebius rejected the deity of Christ and claimed that Christ was a created being. This error is called the Arian Heresy.[Rome lay this charge against the 3 uprooted powers]
Note: In 321 AD. the same Constantine ordered ALL shops and businesses to close on the Venerable Day of the Sun, and for ALL to work on the Sabbath, as he knew that doing this would give the vast majority of his subjects, the Pagans, a Holy day of their own, they would support him, as the Jews and Christians alike observed the Sabbath at the 6th day's sundown to the 7th day's sundown! When the Bishop of Rome received his seat of power,this "Bible" was thus written so to be acceptable to both pagan and many Christians. Now look at the dates in which the the Three Horns/Kingdoms were pulled out by the roots.Heruli (A.D. 493) Vandals (A.D. 534) Ostrogoths (A.D.538) the year the Church assumed total rule of Europe!
Les Garret IBID p.46
"It must be emphasized that the argument is not between an ancient text and a recent one, but between two ancient forms of the text one of which was rejected and the other adopted and preserved by the Church as a whole and remaining in common use for more that fifteen centuries."
TYNDALE used the Received Text, in his Bible and said to the Pope, "If God spare my life, before many years I will cause a boy that driveth a plough to know more of the Sciptures than thou doest."
" GOD WROTE ONLY ONE BIBLE" by Jasper James Ray
"The arguement is not a KJV verses other versions, it is the "Received Text" verses other manuscripts."
NOTE: At this time the "Other Manuscripts" had not yet been found? That the 'small stream" as compared the the KJV foundation of 1,900 manuscripts and many more letters with scripture verses written.
By the way ANY Bible prior to 1900's in any language is almost for certain to be from the "Received Text"!Sadly any more "modern" than this date, is NOT fully resting upon the Received Text, due to the rush to level ALL human religions to be equally ecumenical!
The Jesuits were called to help and they said: "We must undermine the Bible of the Protestants and destroy their teachings."
The Queen of England realizing the damage the Jesuit Bible would do, sent to Europe for Beza, who was with John Calvin to help Thomas Cartwright... With one hand he took hold of all the Greek manuscripts and with the other hand he took hold of all the Latin manuscripts from the Received Test, and he hit the Jesuit Bible blow after blow...."
Finally the Spanish Armada came against England with 136 armed ships, some with 50 cannons. England could only gather 30 ships and these were lead by Sir Francis Drake. Freak storms came down {by the hand of God? my words] the English Channel and the Spanish ships were found wrecked right up to the Scottish coast and England became a great sea power" Les Garret IBID p. 60
The Jesuits in History, Hector Macpherson, Springfield, MO. Ozark Book Pub, 1997 originally published in 1900 Appendix 1.
JESUITS VIEW OF THE BIBLE: "Then the Bible, that serpent which with head erect, and eyes flashing threatens us with its venom while it trails along the ground, shall be changed into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it....for three centur4ies past the cruel asp has left us no re3pose. You well know with what folds it entwines us and with what fangs it gnaws us".
NOTE: please remember this bunch calls itself "The Friends of Jesus Society" with such friends who wants, or needs enemies?
JESUIT CATECHISM Roy Livesey 1998 "Understanding the New Age World Government and World Religion", New Wine Press Chichester, England.
Q; "What if the Holy Scriptures command one thing, and the Pope another contrary to it?
A. "The Holy Scriptures must be thrown aside."
Q. "W hat is the Pope?"
A. "He is the Vicar of Christ, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and there is but one Judgement-Seat
belonging to God and the Pope."
NOTE: Those are some statements, would you agree, putting the Pope on the same level; as God?
2 Thessalonians 2:4. "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
NOTE: I know not about you friend, but that's NOT a good place to be, thinking of self as same as God, who spoke and all things came to be! Now how do the upper echelons of the Freemasonry view the Holy Bile? here's what Albert Pike wrote in his "bible" Moral and Dogmas p.818
Regarding the Bible Pike writes: "... The absurd reading of the established Church, taking literally the figurative allegorical and mythical language of a collection of Oriental books of different ages... the folly of regarding the Hebrew books as if they had been written by the unimaginative, hard practical intellect of England of James the First, and the bigoted stolidity of Scottish Presbyterianism."
NOTE: Well it's sure bet, he did NOT like the KJV, but which did he endorse?
" The better to succeed and win partisans, the Templars sympathized with regrets for dethroned creeds {Pagan Religions] and encouraged the hopes of new worships, promising to all liberty of conscience and a new orthodoxy that should be the synthesis of all the persecuted creeds."
NOTE: well it certain he liked the Jesuit version much better, right? Men can do as each pleases. Thus the ones on display, are only for display purposes! How then do YOU spell HYPOCRITE?
"Which Bible", and, "True and False." edited by David Otis Fuller.
"Going back to the time of the early church we find the Coptic Versions, the Latin Versions and the Syrian Versions. These Bibles were in circulation before the Vaticanus was written. It is hard to see how God would allow the true text to be hidden in the Vatican Library and in a waste paper basket in a cave for one thousand five hundred years and to be brought to the light by two Cambridge Professors, who, did not even believe in the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures." { Note: Westcott and Hort *NB* the twp PhD's}
Les Garret IBID. p.61
"How could Helvidus have accused Jerome of employing corrupt Greek manuscripts, if Helvidus had not had the pure Greek manuscripts?"
Note: Helviduis was involved in the creation of manuscripts himself saying Jerome you are using corrupt manuscripts? What what was he using? Yet that not news.
"Christian Handbook of Manuscripts" Peter S. Ruckman, president of the Pensacola Bible Press.
" These revised versions are based on manuscripts from Egypt that were definitely corrupted. Both Augustine and Tertullion testified that the scribes in Africa corrupted and changed the manuscripts."
Note: please remember that Alexandria's library was the earth's largest collection of Occult materials!
DEAN DURGON: this man was a bastion of and for the correct manuscripts who wrote:
"No sooner was the work of Evangelists and Apostles recognized as the necessary counterpart and compliment of God' s ancient Scriptures, and became the New Testament, than a reception was found to be awaiting it in the world closely resembling that which HE experienced. Who is the subject of its pages. Calumny and misrepresentation, persecution and murderous hate, assailed Him continually."
" And the written word in like manner, in the earliest age, of all, was shamelessly handled by mankind. Not only, was it confused through human infirmity and misapprehension, but it became also the object of restless malice and unsparing assaults. "
NOTE: What did men do to Jesus Christ, but nailed Him to a Cross, well they did, and do the same to His word, then and now!
IN Connection with Westcott & Hort theory Dean Burgon writes:"WE APPOSE facts to their speculation. They exalt B and Aleph and D3, because their own opinions these copies are the best {Note the three lines (2 of which are identical) and came from a Cave, and the other found near Alexandria only a few hundred year ago jb}They weave those ingenious webs and invent subtle theories, because their paradox of a few against the many requires ingenuity and subtlety for its support. Dr, Hort revealed in finespun theories and technical terms, such as "Intrinsic Probability.", "Internal evidence of readings", "Internal Evidence of Documents," which of course connote a certain amount of evidence, but are weak pillars of a heavy structure."
NOTE: With this, Dean Burgon just told you , friend, that they can't make a silk purse for a sow' s ear!He goes on to say:
"In the balances of these seven Tests of Truth, the speculations of the Westcott and Hort school, which have bewitched millions are Tekel (NB) weighed in the balances and found wanting. I am utterly disinclined to believe so grossly improbable does it seem--- that at the end of 1800 years 995 copies out of every thousand, suppose, will prove untrustworthy, and that the one, two, three, four, five, which remain, whose contents were until yesterday as good as unknown, will be found to have retained the secret of what the Holy Spirit originally inspired." CONT;
Daniel 5:23-27. "But hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven; and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified: Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written. And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
CONT:: BURGON' S "The Revision Revisedp 334-335.
"What, in the meantime, is to be thought of those blind guides..... those deluded ones.... who would now, if they could, persuade us to go bake to those same codices of which the church hath already purged herself?"
Burgon, utterly rejected the claims of Tischendorf (1815-74) [note he claims to have discovered these manucripts in a cave and another set near Alexandria] Tregelles (1813-75) . Westcott 1825-1901) , Hort ( 1828-92) and other contemporary scholars, who insisted that as a result of their labors the true NEW Testament text had at last been discovered after having been lost well-nigh fifteen centuries."
Les Garrett Ibid p. 91-92.
"Who but those with Roman Catholic sympathies could ever be pleased with the notion that God preserved the true New Testament text in secret for almost one thousand years and then finally handed them over to the Roman pontiff for safekeeping?"
Note: Is the above statement not just what this all boils down too?
Dr. Hosker quotes the following from Dr. Salmon in his book "Some Thoughts on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament"
"Naturally Hart regarded those manuscripts as most trustworthy, which give the readings recognized by Origen; and these no doubt were the readings which in the third century were most preferred at Alexandria Thus Hort's method inevitable led to the exclusive adoption of the Alexandrian text."
Note: to state that Hort was follower of Origen must be backed up, agree?
Les Garrett IBIB.p 236.
Dr. Frank Logsdon to F. Lockman::
"You will always be my friend but I can no longer ignore the criticisms. I cannot refute4 them, and dear brother I have not a thing against you but the only thing I can do under God, is to renounce very attachment to the New American Standard Bible."
Dr. F. Logsdon, a world renowned Biblical language translator.
In speculation, when the early Christian scholars, came upon the library in Alexandria, and found earth's single greatest collection of Occult materials, it is said they torched it, and in point of fact it did burn to the ground shortly after the Cross1 Is this truth unknown to amen but God knows!
Fortunately or not, UNESCO from the United Nations, [ whose charter was written by a Skull & Bones member}funded a large portion of its rebuilding, opened in 2002, and it now again has another huge collection of Occult stuff! All of it full of Pagan idols, Sun worship membership, how nice? Plus it has the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead' which is counter to the Bible the 'Book of the living God'. Remember Sa - Tan turns it all backwards!
The early church at Antioch used the Syrian Bible translated from Hebrew and Greek and is older than the Massoretic test. The Waldenses had access to these writings and in 1453 when the Turks captured Constantinople {Istanbul}Greek scholars brought their manuscripts to the west.
NOTE: This IS the Protestant Bible, that Rome rejects and placed on Prohibited books list! WHY?
Septuagint made for Alexandria Library in 285 B.C., Vulgate 383-405A.D. [this one of course is approved]
APOCRYPHA ( Hidden Things)
Council of Trent 1546. "Whatever shall not receive as sacred and canonical all these books and every part of them, as they are commonly read in the catholic church, and are contained in the old Vulgate3 Latin edition, or shall knowingly and deliberately despise the aforesaid traditions, let him be accursed."
OK let's see an example in the book of Tobias 6:4-8 on Bewitching Art:
"....Open the fish, and take the heart and liver and the gall.... if a devil or an evil spirit trouble any, we must make a smoke thereof before the man or the woman, and the party shall no more be vexed. As for the gall it is good to anoint a m,an that hath witness in his eyes, and he shall be healed."
Mark 16:17. "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;"
Acts 16:18. "And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour."
Note: Which of these are YOU friend, inclined to believe and accept? Especially miles from a fish market?
WORKS: Tobias 12:9. " For alms {money or valuables}doth deliver from death, and shall purge away all sin"
NOTE: is this not salvation by wallet?
1 Peter 1:18-19. "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:"
NOTE: If you and I are able to give money and have our sins be forgiven, why did Jesus need to died on the Cross, as payment for the wages of sin which is death? Now a QUESTION: can anyone BUY passage to heaven and eternal life? Rome thinks yes!
Prayer for the DEAD" Maccabees 12:43-46.... "For if he had not hoped that they that were slain should have risen again, it had been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead...Whereupon he made reconciliation for the dead, that they might be delivered from sin."
Praying for the dead to be cleansed from sin is pure Paganism, here's why...
1 John 1:7. "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."
NOTE: Are the dead able to walk and have fellowship and request that Christ' s Blood wash them from sin?
Ecclesiastes 9:5. "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten."
Note: read post Where are the Dead"?
The Council of Trent [1545-1563] (note it took then this huge block of time to come up with a brilliant reasoning, "We the Universal Church, must be correct in the Sunday Sacredness because all the Protestants follow her lead"' proposed the Vulgate Latin Bible as the authentic translation. Pope Sixtus V declared the Vulgate infallible, but Clement 111 in 1592 ordered a better edition and 2000 changes were made!
Note: Infallible does it mean perfection,. can not make errors? Then why 30 years latter re work it and again in 2000? No wonder they are going back to the Latin, because only a few will know what they are speaking!. The better to deceive!
Does it have ERRORS? YOU DECIDE.
2 Timothy 3:16. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"
Vulgate/Douay Version: 2Tim.3:16. "All Scripture inspired of God is profitable."
NOTE: now I ask you friend, why do they leave out the word DOCTRINE, is because theirs is in contrast with God's Word?
Hebrews 11:21. "By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshiped, leaning upon the top of his staff."
Vulgate/Douay: "Jacob adored the top of his rod."
Note: does this mean you can pray to a relic? All Cathedrals MUST have a saint ,or a relic buried under the Alter WHY? They pray to and in the names of man made saints and carvings right?
Revelation 22:14. "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."
Codex Vaticanus: Rev.22:14. " Blessed are they that wash their robes."
NOTE: What happened to doing His Commandments?
Can we then have trust and faith in God's Holy Bible? This answer, had a direct correlation to Jesus Christ Himself, to the doctrines we accept as truth, and both shall control our very salvation, agree?
End of Part 1 the Battle of the Bibles! Part 2 next
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