NEVER before, in the history man, has there been such an outpouring of so-called "New" age stuff. Millennium Fever, has broken out, and humanity is bombarded with ideas, that rarely fit within God's Word, thus they are ONLY of men!
We have today "Experiential Religion" a religion one can see and feel, they claim, and yes they DO indeed feel something, but it's directly from Satan! Soul Breathing, Contemplating prayers,Meditations, Speaking in Tongues.
How many have seen a T.V. preacher, in action, that without any contact, people fall over? Well guess who pushed them but Satan's little helpers, the fallen angels whom we can not see, in their spirit forms! Plus look at the rise of "NEW" religious ideologies. The IRS now recognizes about 40,000 religions, yet there's but One Bible, One God and One Savior!
We all have read or seen pictures, of "Miracles" faces in windows, in the clouds, or of bleeding blood and or olive oil, wood and stone figures, that by some held as Divine Messages! But if you think our Heavenly Father resorts to 'parlor tricks' forget it!
Amos 3:7. "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
There is nothing in the Bible about stone carvings shedding blood, nor about anything about Mary the mother of Jesus, coming to us in visions, or apparitions, nor as "picture" on glass nor walls, period! This is all the traditions of men, and Satan doing the works. Can the devil really do this?
2 Corinthians 11:13-15. "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
People are earnestly seeking new "Religions" as what they have been receiving for the last twenty some years, has left them empty! But let me give you a clue, the next major war shall be based on religion, as in "Believe as we tell you, or die!" Just as it was in the Dark Ages of Europe, for she has not changed in the slightest way, still claims the sole authority of Bible interpretations, and it's her way or death, because she claims the power to kill all heretics, and to be the sole judge of what is heresy!
Yet this "Power", upholds all human "Religions" as equal in value, under ecumenicalism , but that's in opposition to her thinking as the above paragraph, right? Do you not find it curious, that of all religions, only the SOME Christians believe that humans must rely on the Holy Spirit, to change from a sinner to a saint, because it's beyond human power to do this within the self?
Today, we have the so-called "New" age thinking, yet this is as old as the Tower of Babel, and sun worship! You can see its symbols in the art and in the churches and so-called "Halos" around heads, or with the face and the wavy lines the sun's rays! Many go back to Druidism and the Stonehenge. Just look at how many T.V. shows are about speaking to the dead, and even those who claim to see their relatives, who have passed on, that they swear, look, act and sound just like Aunt so and so, even having information few others would know! All that makes it believable right?
Re-read the 2Cor. 11:13-15, again, and think, if Satan can do this according to Scripture, he can do this also, including all his fallen angels, who can take on the appearance of our loved ones, who are in the graves! Plus being invisible to us, they can eavesdrop on any conversations, so its no miracle that they speak of things or events few know about. Plus impersonating an angel of light is possible for them, why think you your departed ones can be impersonated? What is there about the word dead, that we have so much trouble understanding? Read Satan's first recorded lie in Gen 3:4 where he added one word NOT
We need only to look at those "Mega-Churches" of today, they emphasize harmony, wealth , happiness and of course co-operation! Have you ever seen these speak to, or address sin? Nope, you won't, but they sure hit the TITHING buttons don't they?
Let's get back to all religions are equal, and then ask you this question: "As they each are hugely different from the Holy Bible, how can men, put them all into a blender and call it all TRUTH? BIBLICAL TRUTH?
Is this not putting light with dark, or apples and oranges, yet call the results bananas?
A: "Well yes "They" can, because they hold their own Traditions above the Word of God, so if one ignored the Holy Bible, then whatever one does must only find truth within self, right?
Psalms 19:7. "The law of the LORD is perfect......"
Revelation 13:1-2. " And the dragon {Satan rev12:7-10] which gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."
We, each must remember, and or learn, who the him is in the above verse, who also received his seat and great authority! There is only ONE power system, on earth, that combines both civil and religious powers together as one! It is the only church that is also a State, with a seat in the United Nations, plus with around 180 (last count) foreign Embassies within her borders!
Are you one, as am I, who holds that there MUST be a separation between church and State? Because in every previous, and currant states, freedom is lost, persecutions begin, death tolls rises, as in much of the Islamic world, especially Iran, who has sentenced a Christian Pastor to death for heresy! {They changed the charge to treason, after the press told the world!}
If you, my friend, have not read Daniel, make it a point to read it soon, because it will show that the empire's march trough time, corresponds exactly to human history, yet it was written 470 years before the Cross, and forecast the end of the Babylonian Empire, to fall to the Medo-Persians, which fell to the Greeks under Alexander the Great, and Greece fell to Pagan Rome, who in turn handed over the seat of power and great authority to the Bishop of Rome.Read again Rev.13:1-2.
Remember the old saying, "History repeats itself?" Do YOU know where it came from?
Ecclesiastes 1:9. "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
Do you know anything about the Inquisition? Well it was within all of Catholic Europe and Catholic New World, in fact in Peru, the last Inquisition trail was held in the 1890's! Read a book called Foxe' s Martyrs, and learn that from 50 -100 millions of souls lost their lives, all Christians or Jews, because they refused to worship according to this power! THAT THAT WAS SHALL BE AGAIN! Sunday Worship Law! Thus Sabbath/Saturday is but a common work day! What happened in old Egypt when Israel was forced to work on the Sabbath, remember the Ten Plagues?
Revelation 13:13. "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,"
Revelation 13:15-18. "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
IMAGE: a picture, carving, a mirror image, but NOT the real thing! Imitation of the original, Satan wants to be worshiped....
Matthew 4:9. "And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
That was Satan, speaking to Jesus Christ, who had just spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness, being tempted by the devil, who showed Him all the earth';s Kingdoms if Jesus would just worship him. Now that's what I call GALL! More nerve than Dick Tracy, right?
If you want to learn more about the image implications, and worship according to the Holy Bible, just read Daniel 3 and the fiery furnace story!
Want/need to learn more? Find and visit your local 7th Day Adventist Church, any Sabbath/Saturday at 9:15AM You just might be glad you did.
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