Please, take note of the title; the two words are in truth all about the very same thing, think about it!
This began in the late 1700's and began to be formulated in the 1820's-40's, by Charles Darwin, who at the age of twenty, accepted a ship's position of the Ship's Naturalist, without pay! He was given a new book from the Captain of the H.M.S. Beagle.
Sadly this in truth, goes back much further than this, all the way to Aristotle and the rest of the ancient Greeks, and Darwin's grand father, also an ordained Minister, as was his father, and himself. Yet the Grand Dad, was himself already involved with this idea and a proponent if the "Naturalistic Ideas." Please note that all three Darwin family members, had received Theological Training! {I wonder where, and by whom?}
Now, when Darwin boarded this ship, he did believe that God had created unchangeable, immutable species, and this belief was nearly universal among humanity, that God had created all things. But, sadly, "Naturalistic Science emphatically excludes that possibility! It was here on his voyages, that with his new book, and what he observed, that he formulated the theory or the ideas, for "Natural Selection and the Survival of the fittest!
For example take three giraffes, the one with the longest neck, would have the "Selective Advantage" when it comes to the best leaves on the higher parts of a tree. Thus, being both the tallest, and best fed, his and her offspring, would fare better, as they would have longer necks and or legs. This, in a nut shell, is the basic teaching for this idea! {an idea that can't be proved, beyond the range of built-in D.N.A. diversity!}
There was also a counter theory known as the "LaMarkism" now he, LaMark taught that as the animals reached up and continuously stretched their neck, they just grew longer and longer, just as their legs also grew longer, but Darwinism won out because, science accepted this as more plausible!
A QUESTION: "Do birds fly because they have wings, or do they have wings because they fly?"
Which, statement is correct, or which one do YOU believe?
Obviously, the wings must come first, falling to their deaths, DOES NOT INDUCE WING PRODUCTION, right?
Now did or do birds think about, or wish about flight, and that produced wings? Then we humans should also have wings, because since the days of Icarus, men have yearned to fly, right?
In all this then, we have science, stating that the will, comes before the fact, yet when proponents of Darwinism are pressed for facts, they'll revert back to LaMarkism, how interesting right? {OK PHD' s prove to me that birds think about flying thus they produce wings. a tail and the ability to fly, all because that what they thin they want to do!}
Most of us know that science claims we, and the apes, have a common ancestor, but the, when and the how, exists under a 1,000 plus ideas. One of which states, that when human ancestors, came out of the trees, the grasslands were vast, and; the grass was very tall, and our founders, had to stand up right, to see over the grass tops, for predators and well as food! Thus over time our body changed structurally to our present shape and mobility! {If YOU buy that, I've got a good deal on Ocean Front, Beach Property for sale, right now in the middle of Nebraska!}
Now, is this idea, Darwinism or La Markism? It's pure LaMarkism! So SCIENCE shoots down LaMarkims, but upholds it when if finds it of use, and useful!.[honesty? Forget it!]
Silly me, I though science was humanity's search for truth? Oh well we should know that men lie, right?
Yet, after formulating all his ideas Darwin was rather shy about going public with them, until he he met a far more sterner man Huxley, who became known as "Darwin's Bulldog!", who debated for science against Rev. Wilberforce, and the people thought he, Huxley had won over the public not by facts but by the ridicule Wilberforce heaped upon science, and the public sympathy, because we humans in honest truth, would rather "Do it Our own Ways" especially when it come to adhering to the Ten Commandments, right? Thus it was the general attitude and not the message that won the day for Huxley!
Darwin, on the Galapagos Islands, found that finches on each island had a slightly different beak shape, due simply to the fact, that each island's vegetation was different, and the shapes of the beaks made it easier to gather seed for food.He used this to say each island had produced a different species, to the need best suited to different seeds. But is that NOT saying because a Tee-Cup Poodle as so much different is size that an Irish Wolf Hound, they are two distinctly different species, within the breed, that one or the other IS NOT A DOG?
But, are they both, not within the Canine Family of animals, and the same species? YES! Therefore does it make sense to stop thinking about a "Family Tree" and from one celled life form all other forms, but rather think of a lawn, with many blades, each blade being a unchangeable form of life, within the normal range of variation within each D.N.A. type,?
Please remember that both the 7 foot 6 inch basket ball Pro, and the shortest "Little Person" at under 3 feet, are both human beings, right. They each, are NOT a separate species, period!
So, with the Finches, and their beaks, some long, some short think and heavy to crush hard seeds, does this show, evolution, only adaptability within the range of the genes, within the above paragraph?
Remember, that at the time there was no knowledge of genetics nor of DNA, Gregor Mendel had done some work on genetics by then, but it lay gathering dust in a Monastery, so little was known about natural differences, or the reasons why! Because up to that time the wide spread acceptance and belief has been that God Created immutable and unchangeable species. At least until a man named Linnaeus, who took all the animals he knew about, and CLASSIFIED them as know as the Bi-Nominal Nomenclature! All received two names, humans became Homo-Sapiens. Plus each creature received a name and each was considered to be a unique creation. Today we have millions of species identified.
When Charles Darwin looked at these creatures, the Finches, on all these islands, his thinking was, "Well they all stared out the same, but over time the needs particular to each islands food sources, the surviving finches are those whose beaks have evolved, to best shapes to deal with the food sources available on each island. Thus from this very limited view, evolution might make for a logical assumption.
Darwin then took the next step of human assumptions, and held that God did NOT create immutable and unchangeable creatures. But that creatures evolved, by force of circumstance, only the fittest will survive!
Yes, I agree, that it's very possible that these variations grew out of need, to fit the foods available, but that is due, to the genetic variations built within each species, for how else can YOU explain the Tea Cup Poodles and Irish Wolf Hounds both being the same family, the species, but each a different Genus?
However Darwin went much further than that, holding that God never made unchangeable, immutable creatures, in fact there was not such thing as a Creation! In fact God got thrown out from this equation, but was that necessary? That is the question, looking for an answer!
First: Earth, with much volcanism, with a atmosphere Methane, Ammonia, and Hydrogen, Water.
Second Henry Miller, a scientist put these components into a container, under some pressure, applying heat, and electrical sparks, in an atmospheric chamber, and trapped whatever formed. This was analyzed in a lab, and he found organic materials.{later proved to be contamination, already present at beginning}
This he projected back to the beginning, thinking that at one time, there was this organic soup, with lots of molecules, which by lucky chance formed themselves, over great spans of time, into long chains required for life, the requirements for life.
Problem: The atmosphere would need to be one that excludes oxygen. {Sorry water is part oxygen right?] Oxygen is an oxidizer, thus destructive.Think iron and rust
Primitive Earth {reducing atmosphere}
H2 NH2 CO2 CH2 N2 H2O
Volcanic gases
CO2 SO2 CO HCL N2 H2O [this includes carbon, & sulfur dioxides, but whose counting, right?]
Present Atmosphere
CO2 O2 N2 N2O Inert Gases
Now please remember the NO OXYGEN O2 part? WHY? Oxygen burns every thing up, it would destroy whatever developed, in whatever process! Due to oxidation, it would have to have been the top row, a reducing atmosphere, at least at current knowledge would so indicate.
So what did he do? He applied sparks to his "atmosphere" and trapped the results, which were analyzed. Now if he had allowed his experiment to continue, without his trap, whatever it was, that was produced, would have been totally destroyed, by the very next cycle! So would life have begun, within such a "Trap", and where, or who would have made the "Trap" millions of years ago? That's one HUGE Problem, right?
Yet, another PROBLEM, is the molecules of life"
Aspartic Acid HO- O over C Glutamic Acid HO- o over C- CH- NH over g
Asparagine HO-O over O- CH- NH over2 Glutamine HO- O over O- OH- MH over 2
However the NHover2,Ammonia, if this is present in the atmosphere, the sugars can't form, which is a problem in itself, but there would need to be an acid environment for amino acids to from, and they'd by necessity have to be the right ones. When sparks are passed through them, we get all kinds of from left-handed to right-handed ones and all other sorts!{need right ones to fit correctly together]
Now from the chemical lost above, if we place one chemical to a carbon molecule and it gets into the wrong place or position, it's NON-FUNCTIONAL!
Now even IF, by remote chance, materials do come together, {How?} and form an amino acid, how would these amino acids, come together, and in the correct position, out of millions of possible connection, there's only ONE that is correct thus supports life! How does this happen?
Yet another problem. . . to join amino acids together requires ENZYMES, and how would they be made and find the amino acids? See, some of you know that enzymes are proteins, but we need a protein to make proteins, so where did these come from, and how?
Proteins make proteins, so which came first, the protein or the proteins, that makes the proteins, almost the the egg and the chicken agree?
D.N.A. this is as a "Computer Program" it dictates what happens, when and at what exact location, but to create even the beginnings of a DNA string of commandments, we must remove all the Hydrogen, as both the Pyrimidine molecule and the Punne are as hexagons, 2 and 4 atoms of Hydrogen respectively. Change this into a cyanide solution, multiply this by ten, and dissolved each into salt water as the Ocean, well that's all you'd get these two molecules and nothing else.
DNA......................................................................... RNA
DEORYBOSE RIBOSE [no Ammonia allowed here]
Bases Bases
Adenine Adenine
Cuanine Cuanine
Cetozine Cetozine
Thymine Uracvil
Now IF. . . you got all these together, and how would you get it to form a string, as the DNA helical string, how would that happen?
To make the sugars, found in the DNA, you can't have ammonia, plus no oxygen, nor nitrogen in the atmosphere, so this alone dictates that life to begin by itself, would need at least three planets, to for just these three components, and then I am open to suggestions as to how they all got together!
Those long chains have NOT ever been formed, even under the tight controls of a laboratory, but that's not due to a lack of attempts, because it seems Science's greatest efforts seems to be directed to trying to prove God is not needed, to begin life!
Laws of Probability: 1 Bomb + one pile of wood + explosion and a fully functional home results = 10 to the 80th power. {Physics says this number = the number of particles (atoms/quarks.protons ect- in the Universe]
1 protein = 3 amino acids, but a simplest hemoglobin protein has 100 amino acids+ 300 nucleotides in correct sequence, WHAT'S THE PROBABILITY? 10 to the power of 127 {or about the same as New York city being built by the nuclear bomb's explosion! Can YOU believe that?
Yes there is a theory out there, that life began in space, and survived the entry into our atmosphere as well as the minus 450 degree F temps, called SPANSPERMIA.
I can also create a theory, life in my idea began in a can of SPAM! You prove this wrong?
DNA : all genes actually present in the Zygote.[ human cells, post conception, what abortionist call a Blob of cells] GENOTYPE-= ZYGOTE
PHENOTYPE: Trait actually seen (expressed Gene) want to see your phenotype, use a mirror!
LAW OF EVOLUTION: Natural Selection can operate only on the phenotype, but never at the level of the genotype. WHY NOT? Again analogy....
Two people, walking in a wild game park. One is long and; lean, the other is short and plump, a lion jumps and attacks them, both run at top speed, which will be lunch? The short, plump one agree? Thus short,fat was the PHENOTYPE, the long lean survives, because the lion has no knowledge nor interest in our DNA, right?
So how are genes changed over time, but not by natural selection, but by mutations, but mutations are random and by chance right? Once they are selected by the Phenotype change happens, does that make sense?
Now some may be biologist, and some may not even know what that means, so allow me to put it in the middle OK?
Thus to sum up, take two intertwined ribbons of information, the DNA as the Genotype and you and me as the Phenotype
GENOTYPE: Detailed instructions "how to built a B2 Bomber
Basic material for a human being - Genome a blob of cells
PHENOTYPE: a fully functional B2
DNA instructions to build a living human being
Question: "Who wrote the book, the detailed instruction manual to build a fully functional human being?"
Do clearly written instructions in, how to build books, just "Pop up"? So Who wrote the Book, not only for the human, but for each and every life form on earth now, and those in the fossil records?
Science says it was written by Mr. Chance, and published by Random Press!
WHAT DO . . .YOU. . . NOW SAY?
NOW in the above analogy, of a BOOK, Detailed instructions "How to build a B2 Bomber", that just came to be by chance, SUPPOSE you find such a book, open it up and place in on your floor, HOW LONG do you think you'd have to wait for the B2 Bomber to be built? An hour, a year, or forever? The latter is correct, agree?
You have ALL the required information, but that's NOT enough is it? YOU do NOT have the mechanism to translate the given info into a working B2, right? Thus if info came to pass, by chance, it is what?
Totally useless!
What's still missing?
Well a factory would help, plus you'd need someone with the intelligence and or experience of building B2's right, plus to interpret the book's info, for you, because all you see are four letters repeated over and over in different and seeming random order{DNA} Plus workers, or robots, the factory and it's assembly lines, and all the required materials for your B2, come to be? All that to build your B2, so you can test fly it!
So, again, in this analogy, when does Natural selection only occur? Only when and after the B2 is built as the PHENOTYPE, remember?
So how did all this come into existence to build this analogy of an B2, there's only two choices!
Remember "Natural Selection" will only work after the B2 is built, right? {as per Science}
SO, my friends, which one does SCIENCE chose, remember science is humanity's search for truth, right?
IN SUMMATION: I ask YOU. . . this question, "If you still fully, and without a doubt, accept the evolution ideas, tell me how, under the "Survival of the fittest" how did the human conscience develop?"
Your answer, please.....
Thank You
Comments? [jb]
source: The Genes of Genesis #105
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