Tuesday, April 23, 2013


   MOST just know not, that this branch of Science, is relatively new, since only about the 1890's, were standards set, and followed, insuring the honesty of a find! Please know, that if something is not yet found, does NOT mean, it does not exist, agree?

  MOST. again, do not know, that there's not ever been anything found, that disproves any part of God's Word. To the contrary, the professionals use the Bible, as a guide, and a source, if you will, to find a referenced person, peoples, or place.

  Many, of the finds, in archaeological discoveries have substantiated both events and people written of in the Holy Bible! There is for examples:
Egypt's invasion of Israel in 1 Kings 14:25.     The Assyrian Siege of Lachish in 2 Kings 18-19 chapters.
Or the trade relationship between Israel and the Queen of Sheba- 1 Kings 10. The Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem; and the reigns of Kings- Omri, Ahab, Uzziah, Hezekiah, Ahaz, Jeroboam 11, and Jehoichin in 1 and 2 Kings, all have been confirmed by archaeology. Plus the Dead Sea Scrolls, which shows there was no change in the Old Testament messages, up to and just passed the birth of Christ.

    These are proof positive that the Holy Bible is just what it claims to be, the Word of God the Creator of all things and life forms!

    This is to my knowledge, the only, repeat ONLY branch of Science, to do so, all other branches dismiss God altogether, much to their loss!

Thank YOU for your studies.

Want more? Visit a Seventh day Adventist Church, any Sabbath/Saturday @ 9:15 AM, you just might be very glad you did.

P.S. Out in the world, many accuse of of being a Cult, but the definition of a cult is that such an organization totally centers on the total focus of one person, but we are just the opposite, as we send our representatives, from each congregation, to our Local Conference headquarters, for election purposes, each conference in turn sends elected reps, to the national conference, and each nation send its reps to the International Conference, which then votes on new policies, if any, or new doctrines if any! This shows we are a BOTTOM UP, AND NOT A TOP DOWN ORGANIZATION. Unlike all other Denominations, right?

Yes, I also have read, that we worship Satan, indulge in cannibalism, and drink human blood! By the way, all of these traits we are accused of, are totally against the Holy Bible directions! We are for the most of us total Vegans, as per Genesis 1:29...>

Genesis 1:29. "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

God is our Creator, and by being our Maker, He knows what is best kinds of fuel for our bodies, right?

john b

www.servantsite@wordpress.com       is a Bible Study Guide you may enjoy. jb

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