- This is only using these persons own words, as they wrote them, thus they are not mine!
- Plus this deals only with these mentioned power systems, and only those in charge of them
- Most have heard or read, something about the "Spanish Inquisition" right? But how many know this was across all of Western Europe, in fact even in Portugal's Goa, all the way to W. India, as well as Spanish and Portugal territories in the Americas.
1: A hand written Bible verse on their person..
2. Refused to worship as ordered by the Roman church leaders...
3. Or had an actual Bible, written in the local tongue.....
In point of fact there's an Scottish man named Wycliffe, who was in custody, taken to London, but he passed away before they got there! However when public tides changed again, some 40 years latter, an edict from Rome, declared that his remains be dis-interred, and burnt, and his ashes be thrown in the nearest river! It matter not one whit to this man, but just think of the mindset required of those who gave the orders? Yet they had then and now, claimed to be worship God, and His Savior Christ Jesus!
Please check me out at www.amazingdiscoveries.org/libary then in search bar type this blog's title
Who remembers anything about the "Templar Knights" who by His Most Catholic King of France, who broke the Treasury, [remind you of anyone President today?] under terrible lies accused them all of devil worship, tortured and then killed most of the leadership, stealing all their property, and much treasure! But as long as Rome got its share, there was little problem. But they did not fade into history, they are today's Knights of Malta, with the white shield and the red Cross, and the circular red cross with all equal lengths, each with pointed ends. {We see this on a few Pro Team emblems}
Now whose heard or read of "The Friends of Jesus Society?" perhaps best known as the Army of Loyola [St.Ingatius 1491-1556] it was he who with Pope Gregory XV created the Jesuits in 1540, who then shortly afterwards took over the "JOB" if the Inquisition, from the Benedictine Monks! It was Jesuit Monk by the name Tetzel, who became famous for selling the Churches indulgences [ in plain speech prepaid for sins]A story goes, that he sold one such prepaid for sin, to one who latter robed him of all coin. When he was brought up for charges, the robber produce his "Receipt", and the magistrate dismissed the case! He was know to shout out, at each coin dropped into his box, which was to pay for St Peter's Basilica in Rome, "At the sound of another coin dropping into this box, means yet another soul has gain entry into heaven!"
{As if heaven's entry was for sale, with crass money!}
Now let's focus on the largest such open yet secret society, in mass of numbers, The Free Masons, who also do great amounts of good, all around the world. However we need only to look at our own founders to find the extend of their power! Most of the Presidents, throughout our history have been 33rd Degree Free masons! The only one who was not a member of high rank, was JFK, who was a Catholic, yet do you remember the stir he caused, by questions as: "Do you obey the Pope of our Constitution"?
check out this site: Accurate? Not know to me. . . http://www.vatican assassins.org
It is the Knights of Malta, who still are in the Banking Business,[they originated back in the CRUSADES} behind the Rothchilds and others who control earth baking systems in the free world. Who know our history? Take a search at all Presidents who were assassinated or severe attempts made, and all had but one thing in common, they voiced their opposition to the imposed banking system. In point of fact both Lincoln and JFK, had been shot, within weeks of their speeches coming out against the banking system, the latest being the Federal Reserve, WHICH IS NOT. . .A PART OF THE GOVERNMENT BUT 10 PRIVATE BANKS!
Abe Lincoln put the full cause and blame for our Civil war as he called it that Damnable army of Loyola the Jesuits and their Priests and Nuns, who plotted for war! {This in a letter readble on a DVD by this same title from Amazing Discoveries.org}
If you have ever been near or inside a Masonic Temple, note: There's never a window in the main room, ever! Note also all the Occult symbols of Crescent Moons, sunbursts, with or without a face within, the all seeing eye {of Horus} of the black & white tiles on the floor around the alter, which is not so called but a podium-[Janus the two headed Roman god, which each looked left and right shown usually in profile]
plus many winged creatures and owls, and pentagrams [like the star of David] but with horn upwards for the Goat of Mendez] How many have seen the buildings of Yahovah's Witnesses, or the worship halls of Mormen's Latter day Saints? Notice the lack of windows in them also? Well both of these Denominations were started by guess what rank? 33 degree Free Masons. As also was Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky Lodge of the Orient Paris France, who also claims Ben Franklin, who visiting England first when to the modern founder of the Scottish Rite Free Masons and the Rosacrusions, why? History has no answer that I know of.
Now we come to Albert Pike, head man for the U.S. Masonry, and his counter part in Italy, Mazzinni, who wrote a few letters back and forth, and one by Pike, [most Masonic Temples have either his portrait, or his bust within] who wrote in a 1871 PLEASE note the date! That all other associated societies must co-ordinate efforts to bring about WW1 and the WW2 and beyond that WW3!
Purposes: W.W.1 would be required, to foment the Russian Revolution and instal an Communinstic Government, that would tear down the Universal's break away Orthodox Church, because the Tzars fully protected this church, and to do much harm to the northern parts of Europe which were, and still are mostly Protestant. We know from history, that the Vatican was not a fan of the Jews, nor of any other faith that adheres to the God of the Holy Bible! By the way the Nazi's have the name for mass killing of Jews, but the Russians, from 1914 to at least 1953 and Stalin's death, killed twice as many Jews as they the Nazi's did!
W.W.2. Again a hidden purpose . . . N. German towns and cites, were very often bombed, more than any southern city, again due to mostly Protestants, and Rome has not forgotten the Reformation, nor is there an room for forgiveness in their leaderships. She also urged the atheists to take eastern Europe, so as they could re0inforce their Universality, to appose Islam, for the term Catholic means in Latin Universal! Plus always remember the public face is far different from the private face, they also pushed for the Jewish State to be re-instated, via the United Nations, in the which the Office if the Holy See, which control this nation's, The State of the Vatican, banking and foreign policies, they have an office and a seat at the U.N.! No other Denomination has this but then no other Church is both Religious and Civil at the same time!
Now history and the Bible both speak to the fact of the distaste between the half brothers Isaac and Ishmael, through whom each two nations grew. Isaac the Jews and Ishmael the Arab, and there's been precious little peace ever since, right? Now can you see the reason for Pike's calls for W.W.3?
Purpose W.W.3: Those who dream & plot, want this war to be be so bad, so extensive in scope, and with such a great loss of live between the Atheists, the Islamists and the Jews with the Christian Protestants, all trying towipe each other from the face of this earth, that the events are so horrific, that all the living will turn to the Pope, and ask Him to lead us into peace!
Who has not heard that self proclaimed Communist Van Jones say this, "From the bottom up. to the top down, and then in from both sides?" Now put this with the W.W.3 plans!
Matthew 24:3 "And Jesus answered and said unto them, "Take heed that no man deceive you"?
Learn this for yourselves!
NEXT: "The Universal Flood"
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