Monday, September 10, 2018

Ty Gibson's "Frederick's Dreadful Experiment" Sept/ Signs of the Times 2018

My many thanks to both Ty and this magazine  {J. B}


Back in the 13th Century { that's during the 1200's for your collage grads (JB)] , the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II, conducted an experiment that was intended to discover what language children would learn naturally as they grew up, IF, they were not ever spoken to!He thought it would be Hebrew, Greek or Latin, Arabic, or perhaps the language of the parents.  Some things are just apparent agree?
     So this King took babies form their mothers and placed them in the care of nurses who were forbidden to speak in their presence.
     To his reported great dismay, his experiment was cut short---- but not before something tragically significant regarding human nature was revealed. As you may have guessed, the babies grew up to speak no language at all, because they all died. In the year 1248 an Italian historian by the name of Salimbene di Adam recorded, with an air of scientific observation, that they could not live without the human touch, {he called it petting]. The babies literally died for want of touch!


   Modern medicine call this phenomenon "FAILURE TO THRIVE". For some reason, we humans flourish under the influence of love, and we gradually die without it! The implications of this fact are HUGE! Consider the research of Dr. Dean Ornish, in his national best-seller "Love and Survival", Ornish presents study after study demonstrating that love is a major influence for mental, emotional, and even physical health. He says, "Anything that promotes feelings of love and intimacy is healing: anything that promotes isolation, anger, hostility, loss, hostility, anger, cynicism, depression, alienation, and related feelings often leads to suffering, disease, and premature death from all causes"

    Modern science is now proving through controlled studies that human beings are literally engineered for love. We are made for love, as if our DNA contains the message "YOU MUST LOVE AND BE LOVED IN ORDER TO SURVIVE"!
   However, this idea from Dr. Ornish and modern main-stream science, presents a huge problem. As he explains it, "The scientific evidence leaves little doubt that love and intimacy are so powerful determinants for our health and survival. Why they have such a great impact remains a mystery>" So to solve the mystery, Ornish posed a question to a wide range of scientists, the gist of it was: "Why are human beings so vitally dependant on love"?
    The bottom line answers were in the lines of: "Well,it's strange isn't it?" We don't know why". Dr. Ornish concluded, "Mystery remains. No one can fully explain...why love and intimacy matters so much."

     Scientists are baffled by the existence of love and the very fact that we need it to life.   BUT WHY?
Quite simply, because love creates a break, actually a contradiction, against science, as the scientific train of thought and logic in the evolutionary worldview. You see the problem arises from their point of view,, from teaching received, and as accepted as norm,

They can't understand the paradigm of reality that the human need for love is crucial to live.  WHY?
   Because in their Darwinian views evolution begins with the 'SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST', premise, MUST mean that it is the prima-faciah reason for self-preservation, as the foremost law in our survival.
   LOVE, by contrast,, is essentially a giving of self, to another, rather than self-preservation, thus and therefore it makes no sense, within the evolutionary context!

     Why can this be so stated? "IF materialistic evolution is the truth about human origins, then human beings are merely biological animals, and there's no such thing as love...,......
    YET,, here we are, creatures who thrive on love and are utterly dependent on it. A tenacious desire to love and be loved pervades in the heart of every human being! We try to explain it with no reference point beyond ourselves, and w3e seek its satisfaction in countless material pursuits, but it remains--- larger than anything this world more than ourselves.
    We can't help but ask the obvious question at some point" 'what is that something more that we so desperately long for?
    Only the Holy Bible offers the answer with two simple declarations:
1) Genesis 1:27 " So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
2) 1 John 4:8  "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love."   [1 John 4:16]

Thanking Y O U  for your time. Questions?  Comments? John at

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ABBA=  the Hebrew term meaning closely to the English word DADDY. Sabbath means rest!

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