Thursday, January 28, 2016


  Many thanks to Sue Radd and Signs of the Times magazine Jan. 2016 for this article.


Q: What is GOUT?
A: Gout is an inflammatory arthritis caused by the deposits of uric acid crystals within the joints. Gout is unfortunately common in men and elderly women, and it can be very painful.


ALCOHOL:  avoid it altogether. Beer is especially associated with the greatest risk of gout. For example, five bottles of beer daily increases the risk of gout by 2. 1/2 times. But even on drink oer day will raise it!


Avoid red meat...beef, pork, thus bacon and ham, especially sausages, as most are made with pork. Men with the highest meat intake had a 41% higher risk of gout then men with the lowest intake.


Attain and maintain a healthy body weight. High levels of body fat may lead to high uric acid levels. Plus the extra pounds puts increased stress on all  our joints.


Shun all shellfish--prawns, lobster, crab, mussels, clams and shrimp. Men who consume the highest amounts of sea foods had a 51% higher risk factor than those consuming the least.


If you have high blood pressure--- lower this by changing your life style. By eating more vegetables, and far less animal products. Increase or begin an regular exercise program and cut down on salt or salt laden foods.
.{ (JB) Personally I eat very little from anything that had a face and or a mother. Of course most opt out for a pill, but that only ads to the poison load, right?]



Drink plenty of plain water, get you a empty milk bottle, fill it with tap water, and let it sit on your counter without the cap. This will allow all the chlorine to escape, we need no bleach in our systems do we? Aim for at least 3 liters per day, but limit water intake after 5 PM, or you will be getting up out of bed for a bathroom run.


Include at lest five serving of different-colored vegetables daily. Research shows that although some vegetables have a hi purine content (which breaks down uric acid in the body) they do not increase the gout risk. A higher protein intake from all vegetables actually reduced the risk of goat by 27%. Weight for weight most dry beans, cooked are equal to red meat in protein content, but the protein in beans is much more readily taken in than meats, especially cold-cuts which are mixed meats with high nitrates content, a known cancer causing agent! In fact many now consider bacon to be a thing not a food, due to the high nitrate contents, and pure fat


Note (JB) to end the of this post.
[Yes, although dairy products DO have a low Purine content and thus pose a lower risk for gout, in a International survey, nations with the highest dairy consumption, Norway, per 100,000 people (per Capita) also had the world's highest per capita rates of Osteoporosis, and broken hips! Mankind is the ONLY life-form in nature, to drink milk after being weaned!  We must ask the why of this. right?]

If one insists on milk use the low-fat, or calcium-fortified soy milks..
NOTE: WHY is this so?  All dairy products are ACIDIC, yet our bodies are nearly neutral thus the body MUST use calcium to neutralize the acid, and the ONLY source in our body, is stored in our bones, and is the reason why Norway's people have the highest rates of bone-loss, and thinning causing them to break more than for any other nation.

Now whether YOU, dear reader believe or not, in the fact that God is, your non-belief will not make Him disappear! But as our builder/Creator, He knows what's our best diet, just as YOU would not go to your baker, for the care and feeding of your automobile, agree?

    Genesis 1:29-31  "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.  And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.  And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    Leviticus 11:3-4  "Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat. Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you."

    Deuteronomy 14:10  "And whatsoever hath not fins and scales ye may not eat; it is unclean unto you."

WHY NOT?   These art life-forms God created, to be His Sanitation Crews, to clean up the dead the sick and the their droppings,  I mean can you only imagine you biting into a breast of Vulture sandwich?

WHY is it?  Why are not those who passed on with Alzheimer's, not have an autopsy? Is this not due to Spondylitis?  {Mad-cow disease} cause of which is a protein called a PRION which is so encased in a shell that stands up to 2300 degrees temperatures, thus melting ALL the stainless steel tools?

Why is it? That the FDA and Department of Agriculture, both Government Agencies that controls medicines, and food recommendation IE Food Pyramid, and the big drug and chemical and big Ag and meat processes. CEO's play musical chairs as who heads which ones? How do you spell conflict of interest?   JUST ASKING!

Thanking You for your time.
Questions?  Comments?  John at

Thursday, January 21, 2016


IS SCIENCE THE Ultimate authority on truth? At least so far as the natural world is concerned? Author Clifford Goldstein reflects on the answer to that question.

John B. my many thanks to both the author Mr. Goldstein and the Signs of the Times January 2016 issue. to order.

A WIFE,    comes home early, and finds her husband in bed with another woman. The husband denies it by saying, "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes"?

    Granted, a silly line, but this line has a very important implications, because so much of what information we take in, comes to us by our eye-sight. The question then to be asked, is.."Just how accurately do our sight, hearing and the other of our senses portray the world to us"?
   After all, have we not all been fooled by a mirage on the summer's highways? Or by an optical illusion {or is it a pollution?} Or even a magician on stage?
    This issue gets even more critical, when the question of science arises. Because after all science is from the human mind, agree?

Note: Because scientists are human, they are also subject to all the human biases, preconceived notions, and hold to the can we call them Prejudices? the things we have accepted as each has been taught? As humans the most difficult thing for us is to set aside long held facts and beliefs, that are not true, and have been proven to be false, yet still rejected by many! The Piltdown man, comes to mind, a proven hoax, by the 1930's yet still in some Text-books in schools. As are the drawings of a whole family, the Nebraska Man, from one farmer's finding a tooth! The next year, the same farmer, in the same field, plowed up a JAW bone with one missing tooth, into which a replica of the ONE tooth fit perfectly, yet there's a problem, the Jaw and the TOOTH belonged to a PIG! Some are SO eager to prove evolution, that truth has little bearing on their ideals! For example the "DATING" of the Moon rocks, was arrived at by consensus only not by scientific means! One man, a Creationist, after Mt. ST. Helen blew her top, within a few years, he gathered three rock samples from a newly forming lava cone, sent them to three different University labs, and got three widely differing dates for their ages!. From a low of 2 Million years to a high of 4 Billion, from the same single rock, that had not seen the sunlight until about 2 years before its... "BIRTH"!
   The NEANDERTHALS all have been shown as a huge protruding lower jaw, just as the large apes, but what is not KNOWN, is that the lower Jaws of the found skulls, have been photographed up to 1 inch gap between jaw and skull, in order to show the ape-like features! Mitochondrial DNA from found teeth have proven that they were fully human! Yet it took much digging to find these buried deep facts. . . if they have nothing to hide I ask WHY?

Science, is a form of "EMPIRICISM",-- the concept that knowledge comes to us from what we experience with our five senses, especially sight, being at times deceptive, thus how much does this deception influence science as well, seeing all are human?
    This issue gets even more important when it comes to the question of faith and science. For most of history, science and faith have gotten along just fine. Even today, in most cases, little conflict exists. However, in one very important area, that of origins, the authority of science and the authority of God's Word conflict. And the sad fact is that many people, believe science should have the final say. After all, "It's Science"!-- the idea being that, because it's science, it has to be correct.
     This notion is a fallacy-- one that even many "Christians" (?)  have bought in to. There's no question that science has done wonderful things, allowing us to manipulate and interact with nature in ways that would boggle the minds of our ancestors. However, should science trump the Bible in areas where the two conflict, especially when science is merely one source of knowledge?


    Am account I read of some one's visit to a museum will help lead us to an answer.
      "At the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C.," the writer said, "I entered an exhibit-- a small room so dark that an usher had to guide me in. The only light was a dimly lit wall opposite my seat. However, within a few minutes the light got brighter. As I sat there, still wondering what it was about, the3 usher guided in an other man to a seat..
   BUT WHY?, NOW !
   "Then it hit me! The room seemed bright enough toy mind, which had adjusted to the light. But to the man that just entered, the room was so dark that he needed an usher. In other words, the reality of the room appeared one way to me and another way to him."
     "There was only one room, and one light in it, so whose view was the true one that accurately corresponded to the immediate environment around us both....his or mine?

   This anecdote says something significant about the limits that are inherent in all human attempts to understand the world, including those of science: we aren't granted complete access to reality. The world comes to us through our five senses. As we know, our senses can be exceedingly deceiving, even when we use science. Hence, how much can we trust even what science tells us?


    Keep in mind, please, that science is a human attempt to understand, explain, interpret, describe, and, ideally, explain the world. Whether it's Aristotle, 2,500 years ago, looking at bugs, Darwin in the Galapagos Islands, studying birds, or a chemist working for a corporation, or astronomers using the Hubble Space Scope to examine stars, or a biologist claiming that life on earth began between 3.8 and 4 billion years ago... science is human beings, sometimes with the aid of devices, using their senses to explore the natural world..
Hence, how much can we trust even what science tells us?

Note:(JB). During the 1950's when I was in Public School, I was taught that earth was 3.5 billion years old, yet by the time I hit high school, it has AGED to 4.5 Billions of years! Must have needed to give, EVOLUTION more time?

Note(JB) All of us are human, and more than a few humans tell lies, agree? Thus do NOT discount this possibility!

   And all that is fine. after all, one could argue that most of what we know, at least about the natural world, we know from our senses. Even knowledge revealed to us---things we wouldn't know otherwise, such as our birthday--- we know only because someone told us (via our ears), or we read it (via our eyes). And if we know that John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and that Julius Caesar held the title of PONTIFEX MAXIMUS [ all POPES HAVE,  History shows that Pagan Rome, became the Holy Roman Empire, ruled by the the Popes!], How do we know these things other than, again, by either our eyes or ears, or both?


     Yet for thousands of years people have struggled with the difficult question about how accurately, or inaccurately our senses funnel the world to us. What's the difference between what's OUTSIDE our brains and how it appears to us INSIDE OUR BRAINS?
  When a scientist looks at a tree, what he sees is not the tree itself, but an image of the tree that exists ONLY in his or her mind! If this mind suddenly quit functioning, the image would disappear, but the TREE ITSELF, would still exist!
    So what transformation takes place by the time whatever is external to us is captures by our senses, and converted into the chemical-electric impulses in our bodies and brains that underlie all our experiences? What's the difference between the image of the tree existing in your head, and the tree itself? Certainly a lot, because whatever in your head, it isn't two tons of wood,bark and leaves.

    As the museum example showed, our senses can give conflicting views of what's "Out there". To one person the room appeared well lit; to the other it appears dark. If science studies what's "Out There", then it should not be concerned with how the room appears to different people. The issue is really with the room itself. Why would a geologist studying a shale cliff face, care about how the cliff appears to the eyes of say a bat, or a lens of a camera, or to one who is color-blind? In the same, science science is concerned only with what the room is really like in and of itself, regardless of the size, of the pupils in the eyes of the intelligent beings in the room itself.
    Yet the difficult question remains: How well do our senses, even for scientists, reveal the real world?


     There are two philosophies about what constitutes science: SCIENTIFIC REALISM   and SCIENTIFIC EMPIRICISM.

     The REALISTS  argue that science does give us, if not an Absolute true account of the world, then at least an approximate one. They argue that even though science rests upon experience inside our brains, it goes deeper than that to the truth about reality that exists outside our brains. Science must discover what's "really out there", which is why realism is, in the words of Hilary Putnam, "the only philosophy of science that does not make the success of science a miracle."

Note: (JB) Only the Creator God, is in the "Miracle Business!" Never any human, creatures!

  In contrast, scientific "empiricists" argue that science gives us only our own SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCES, of how the world appears to us and that it never gets to the REAL world. the truth itself. According to empiricists, the most that science can do is to explain, even somewhat superficially, the  why of the things we observe appear to us as they do.
    Now, if the philosophers of science can't agree on whether science is giving us a "true account of the world," The why...WHY.. do so many people, including "Christians(?), lie down, and play dead before nearly every scientific declaration, as if what science declares, MUST be true?


    There's no question that science has been incredibly fruitful human endeavor. And it's still just that: A HUMAN ENDEAVOR. And thus it comes with all the human limitations, weaknesses, and prejudices, [(JB) including preconceived ideas and biases] that we all suffer from to one degree or an other!
   How else can we explain why scientists are constantly changing and or upgrading, their vies and theories about the natural world? { Which in the fundamentals never changes!]
   For instance, how many decades ago was it that the latest and greatest news from science was that  of the great dangers to health being "Saturated Fats"?  Tet today the latest scientific facts are well... science was wrong, Saturated fat isn't bad for our arteries after all,{ but fat creates fat, on our bodies.}
   What changed? Did the fat change, NO! Did we, our bodies change, NO! SCIENCE CHANGED! As a human and cultural project, simply shifted in the wind of opinion.
    This is nothing new. Earlier in the twentieth Century, one famous writer and thinker, Alfred North Whitehead, wrote: "Fifty-seven years ago it was when I was a young man in the University of Cambridge. I was taught science and mathematics by brilliant men and I did well in them; since the turn of the century I have lived to see every one of the basic assumptions of both set aside....And yet, in the face of that, the discovers of a new hypotheses in science are declaring, "Now at last, we have" certitude".
     Unfortunately, one generation's "Certitude," often becomes an other generation's myth. What scientific "certitudes" of today will our grandchildren laugh at?


    Belief in the Holy Bible and belief in science, both rest upon assumptions! Science assumes that we can learn about the natural world through observation and reason. Christians assume that God exists, not just through nature, but also through the Bible. In most cases these assumptions do NOT clash. For instance, the Microscope and the Telescope, both inventions of science, have revealed a depth and complexity to the natural world that clearly point to the wonderful creative powers of God.

NOTE: (JB). I know that God is, due to the changes in my character for the good! A truth I have experienced! This only.. The Divine is able to do.

    Isaiah 42:5  "Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:"

NOTE (JB) "... and stretched out the heavens..."   .It was not until Mr Hubble,                                         concluded in the 1930's time frame, that science knew the universe was expanding, yet God has man so write between 740- 697 B.C time frames.{Isaiah] To bad the people of science oft reject the Bible, they would learn many things, by the study of it.

   Nevertheless, the conflict over origins, a very sequential one---remains. The most popular today it seems being the MACRO-evolution,  {small, minute changes due to mutations within a species}, yet it fully conflicts and contradicts the Bible, at its most basic levels, not only destroying not just the Bible's Creations accounts, but two other crucial doctrines, that stem directly from it: The Fall of Adam and Eve, which tells us how we humans became sinners, and the Gospel, which tells us of God's plan to rescue us from our sins. And YES, the issue IS that important!

    Romans 6:22-23  "But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
    John 3:15-16  "That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

NOTE (JB) Rome has for some decades now, agreed with science, telling her followers that Creation Story, is but an ALLEGORY, not an actual account, yet they expect  us all to fully believe them when they speak of the rest of God's Holy Word? Please give me a break! Enough of the deceptions and lies! God is more than able to protect and PROJECT HIS WORD, to all, as it is written!

     2 Thessalonians 2:9-12  "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

    Two thousand years ago Jesus said this:....
    Matthew 15:8-9  "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men"

   Sadly 1 billion human beings, have been deceived by the Traditions of the Fathers, whose word is held above the word of God, by Rome's leadership.

  Yes the context of this science view and Matthew 15, above differs in context, the principle fits the challenge that this scientific "certitude", about creation presents us with. Christians, then, need to ask themselves, where they put their faith, for in both cases, it's still all, about the matter of faith. Faith either in God and His Word, or the many differing words of men. Even if and when these words come wrapped up in the mantle of science! It still is, in the end, ONLY the words of man!

Here's what many consider the most horrific words a human can hear....

   Matthew 7:23  "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.."  {meaning "lawlessness"  the breaking of God's TEN COMMANDMENTS!  [Exodus 20 1-17] .

Thanking you dear reader, for your time.
Questions?  Comments?  John  at

Want/Need more info? Visit you local Seventh-Day Adventist Church, any Saturday/Sabbath 9-10 AM. You'll be surprised at your welcome, and begin to learn that Jesus can give you HIS peace of mind, the world only is in awe about..

Other sites.
John B.



Monday, January 11, 2016


Many thanks to both H. Ferguson and Signs of the Times December 2015 edition.

   Conflicts between nations typically create hostilities between people,Henry Ferguson, recounts an incident during WWII, that belies that conclusion.

     Christmas Eve 1942.  The Germans and the Allies were honoring an unofficial truce. Nevertheless, the City of Warrington, England, was blacked out that cold damp and windy night, as though an air raid might be expected at any moment
      Father Richard Rochford was to hold a midnight mass in St. Mary's Church that night, and soldiers and civilians alike slowly found their way through the unlighted streets to the place of worship. By eleven thirty there was standing room only in the Sanctuary--- except for the three front rows, which were totally empty.
      Ten minutes before the services were to begin, the front doors opened, and a file of Germans and Italian prisoners, flanked by American and British armed guards, with rifles, marched down the aisles to the empty pews. The flaming red POW insignia on each man's back stood out like a target. In reality, that's exactly what it was!

     Just before midnight, Father Rochford took to the Pulpit. He told the worshipers that in 1939, when  when the war broke out, a beautiful organ was being installed in the Church, but the war caused a shortage of materials that had brought the work on the organ to a halt. Then had come the happy-go- lucky American G.I's They had unselfishly furnished the materials and the know-how to put the organ into perfect condition in time for Christmas Eve Mass. The church organist has been taking lessons in Manchester for the past three months.. Then a pause, and the Pastor's voice broke as he said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this but the organist has been stricken with the flue, and in a soft voice, continued, "I am sorry but there's be no music, No Christmas music tonight"

     An audible sigh of disappointment was heard, then a stir in the ranks of the prisoners was heard. One of the men rose up and spoke to the Guard. Then, closely followed by the guard, he walked the few paces to the front of the Church, bowed at the base of of the alter, ascended the steps and spoke to the Pastor, he bowing again walked to the organ and seated himself before it.
    Tensions rose, Could he actually play or would he start some trouble, to show disrespect for this occasion?  But, soon the lovely, and haunting strains of "Silent Night".were floating through the Sanctuary, and the crowd sat silent as if entranced. Never has they heard music played with such feeling. It was as through the spirit if of the Christ Child flowed from the prisoner's fingers, and pierced every one's hearts.
    On went the music as the organist proceeded from through sons through the beautiful season's music, that has come down through the centuries, of time. Many an eye was misty and few wept openly, overcome by the thoughts and the music. And the entire time the prisoner was playing the guard stood there with his rifle pointing right at the organist heart! No more incongruous sight could have been imagined for such a holy hour.

   When the organist stopped playing rising he spoke briefly to the Pastor, and then sat down at the pew. The Pastor's voice was husky as he again addressed the audience. He told them that the young man, who played so inspirational, that he had studied music min a small town in Bavaria, since his childhood.
   "This young man," he concluded, "a prisoner in an unfriendly land, has fully demonstrated here tonight, that true brotherly love, as exemplified by the Christmas Spirit, transcended any conflict in which people may engage. We owe a debt of gratitude for the showing us that, in faith, the people of two alien nations still have common grounds for understanding."

Note: (JB) Where there is a will, people will find a way, and when enough people do, then governments will follow their examples!

Thank YOU dear reader, for your time!

Questions?  Comments?   John at

What to learn more?   Visit your local Seventh day Adventist church any Saturday/Sabbath at 9-10 AM. Only God can give you the Peace of Mind the world can only wonder about.

Other sites:

john B.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

PART 2 "A PRICE TO BE PAID." BY Walter Veith's DVD. and my thanks to his organization.

       Professor Veith is still in Scotland, with this video, visiting the St. Bartholomew the Great, now this KIRK, {Church]  was built in 1121 A.D.and was until the last few decades a Protestant Church, but the WELCOME sign tells the times of "SUNG EUCHARIST", AND THE "SOLEMN EUCHARIST, AS WELL AS THE EVENING SONG AND TUESDAY IS HOLY COMMUNION".
 Thus today iut is totally Roman Catholic  and this word Catholic in the Latin  means UNIVERSAL"

NOTE: Think ecumenism all all earth's religions leads us to Heaven as per Rome! Yet what does the Bible say?.....

   1 Timothy 2:5 " For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; "

 John Wesley, one of the great Reformers actually preached here, in this same KIRK, proving it was a Protestant Church, long before it was converted to Romanism!  In it's fullest regalia, with it's tall candles, Icons, and pictures of the naked Savior on the Cross! Plus of course Mary figures and paintings up the eyeballs!

    So to the people of Scotland I ask Why? What happened? What did all YOUR ANCESTORS die for? They died for naught it seems, so how desecrating , Their memories and deaths, are you allowing to occur, and all without a whimper or fuss? That is NOT the Scots of history!  But then this is the fact world-wide is it not? Whatever happened to our Protestant Pastors, Laymen and Deacons, world-wide? Have they ALL got a spine of over-cooked noodles? What do these Bible passages mean to each of you?

    Matthew 24:4  "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."
Note Jesus repeated this warning three times in this chapter!

    2 Thessalonians 2:3-5  "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?"

   Little wonder, that many say that 90+ % of Christians are today practising Catholics! Worship the Pope on the Venerable day of the Sun-god Sunday!

BEcho, February 1, 1887. Par.11      

    "It is not without reason that claim has been put forth that Catholicism is now almost like Protestantism. There has been a change, but the is in the Protestantism, not in romanists. Catholicism indeed resembles the Protestantism that now exists!. But it is far removed as it was in the days of Cranmer, Ridley, Knox, and the other reformers. As the Protestant Churches have been seeking favor of the world, false charity has blinded their eyes. They do not see but that it ids right to believe good of all evil; and as the inevitable result, they will finally believe evil of all goood.. Instead of standing in defence of the faith once delivered to the saints, they are now, at it were, apologizing to rome for their uncharitable opinion of her, begging pardon for their bigotry against her!"

NOTE: Sorry but NO ONE, needs to apologize for speaking the TRUTH! Yet notice the trend!


    POPE TO DISCUSS INFLUX OF ANGLICANS.   ruth Glodhill Religion correspondent of The Times.
" The Pope will  discuss how to deal worth the increasing members of requests from disaffected Anglicans to join the Roman catholic church at a meeting with cardinals from around the world tomorrow. Pope Benedict XV1, who is making the reunification of christendom a goal of his pontificate, is in talks with at least three US Episcopal Bishops about their reception into the Catholic church. He has been approached by an entire breakaway group of traditional Anglicans about admitting them to his church."

"DOMINUS JESUS"   September 5, 2000 "The Independent"

Other churches are no sisters of ours, The Vatican.

Note: Rome calls itself "The Mother Church" thus others are not sisters but daughters!.

CRANMER; as Archbishop of Canterbury [The Head of the Anglican Church] spoke after he recanted, to save his life by fire, said Having briefly expressed the chief articles of his faith, he refers to his previous recantation in the following terms:  this:
   "And now I come to the great thing that so much troubleth my conscience more than anything I ever did or said in my whole life, and that is the setting abroad of a writing contrary to the truth, which now here I renounce and refuse, as things written by my hand contrary to the truth which it thought in my heart, and which was written for fear of death, and to save my life if it might be; and that as such is all such bills and papers which I have written many things untrue. And forasmuch as muy hand offended, writing contrary to my heart, my hand shall firs be punished therefore; for, may I come to the fire, it shall first be burned; and as for the pope, I refuse hem, as Christ's enemy, and antichrist, with all his false doctrines."......Cont.

NOTE: Please if you question this, take their Little Book of Converts Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, and with any HOLY BIBLE check out their doctrines against the The Word of God, and you'll find they mostly use the words of Man! In fact they are on public record, in voice and print saying they hold their own written words by the "FATHERS" as superior the the Holy Bible! At they have this one point in Common with the Mormons. whose founder held HIS BOOK "The Book of Mormon" to be superior to the Bible!

So how big an ego would this need?

....Cont:   "On uttering this, Cranmer was pulled down from the stage and led to the fire. Having put off his outer garments, he stood there in a shirt which hung down to this feet. His thick beard was long and think, and covered his bosom. Then was an iron chin tied about him, and fire set to the faggots [wooden branches]. When these flames were kindled, and fire began to burn near him, stretching out his arm he put his right hand into the flame, holding it there immovable. Thus did he stand, moving no more that the stake to which he was mbound. His eyes were lifted to Heaven, and often he repeated, this hand hath offended; oh, this unworthy right hand!" At last, in the greatness of the flame, he cried, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit", and he gave up the ghost."

Note: How many today have this kind of conviction? This kind of TRUST IN CHRIST? As no human by, and within self, can hold their hands into the flames and not remove it!

In 12/06/2006 in EKKLESIA NEWS BRIEF, Pope Benedict XVI assertion of Primacy a "Problem," for Protestants.
   "Peter's responsibility thus consists of a guaranteeing the communion with christ." said the Pope, "Let's pray so that the primacy of Peter, entrusted to poor human beings, may always be exercised in this original sense desired by the lord. So that it will be increasingly recognised in its true meaning by brothers [sic] who are still not in communion with us."

Note: Sorry Sir, but until and unless YOU and your kingdom begin to place the Bible as your only and primary source of truth, Bible believers will not commune with you and your kingdom beyond opposing it! 


Vatican city, March 8, 2007. [Zenit org] Already in the first century, Popes excercised their primacy over other Churches, Benedict XVI says.
   " The Church is above all, a gift of God {OK is this why they murdered millions in their "believe as we say or die"?} and not a creature of ours", the Pope contended, "and therefore this sacramental structure not only guarantees the common order [only a common order as per Rome's will] but also the precedence of the gift of God that we all need."

NOTE: SACRAMENT: There are seven within this system: (1) Baptism.  (2) Confirmation. (3) Holy Eucharist. (4) Penance . (5) Extreme Unction. (6) Holy Orders. (7) Matrimony.
Only 1,7 and a partial 4 are spoken of in the Bible. Repent is not PENANCE which is a works, repentance, is a change of heart , to return to God's ways! Thus the sacrament is mostly of human origin and traditions of men!  Thus Blasphemy!P.67 chapter II, The sacraments by Peter Geierimann's book The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine.

Most of us know something about a little Scotty, a dog named Greyfriars Bobby, right? In 1858 this faithful dog followed his master's remains to the Greyfriars churchyard and lingered there until he followed his ,master is death in 1872. That's 14 years that he stayed by his master's grave site, being fed only by strangers!. He laid on his master's grave all those years ending at the dogs 16th year. There is a marker attesting to this little dog's faithfulness, which is greater than most humans!

I'll make a safe wager, that few have ever heard of Jenny Geddes of 1637. Well in those days few churches has pews, so each person brought their own little three or four legged stool to sit on. Now when the clandestine Church leaders began to introduce the Catholic liturgy into the services, Jenny shouted: "What are Ye trying to do in my Kirk? And she picked up her stool and threw it at the prelates, as did many others, and the church leaders ran out in fear for their lives!
  This action,  in the Church of St. Giles, led to the creation of the National Covenant.It was in this KIRK, that John Knox said said, " Give me a Free Scotland or I die"..

Those trying to introduce the Mass in Scotland at that time can be seen as written of thusly.....

      .Matthew 7:15 " Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
Note: GOD can NOT lie, but m,any men can't help but to lie!

   It was John Knox, who was told af the passage in the Bible that told us to obey our kings and magistrates, and that's true. But when their laws are contrary to God's Laws we all must or should rather obey God's Laws. Here's how John Knox put it.....

    "True it is that God hath commanded kings to be obeyed, but like truth it is, that in things which they commit against His glory or when cruelly without cause they rage against their brethren, the member of Christ's body, He hath commanded no obedience. Rather He hath approved you, yea, and greatly apposed themselves to their ungodly commandments and blind rage."

    .Acts 5:29 " Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."
       Luke 18:7-8 " And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"

    {AA [Acts of the Apostles]  431.2] God desires His people to prepare for the soon-coming crises. Prepared or unprepared, they must all meet it: and those only who have bought their lives into conformity to the divine standard, will stand firm at the time of test and trail. When secular rulers unite with ministers of religion to dictate in matters of conscience, then it will be seen who really fear and serve God. When the darkness is deepest, the light of a godlike character will shine the brightest. When every other trust, fails, then it will be seen who have an abiding trust in Jehovah. And while the enemies of truth are on every side, watching the lord's servants for evil, god will watch over them for good, He will be to them as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land."

     Revelation 2:10  "Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."

    NOTE: DEAR READERS,  I HOPE AND PRAY THAT all  of you, each and every one shall be there, and let me say that we shall all meet under the right side of the Tree of Life, on the 3 rd sabbath we are with Christ and the Father!

    1 Peter 1:7  "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:"

      1 Peter 1:8-9  "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls."

Note: Spiritism is such that the evil ones allow you to see something wispy, and feel something, and even taste and smell something, but the Holy Spirit will not ever do these things!

    1 Peter 1:13  "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

    1 Peter 1:14  "As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your

     1 Peter 1:15 " But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;"

     1 Peter 1:16  "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy".

Note: How , pray tell, can one be "HOLY" by breaking the 4th Commandment and worshiping the on the day of the Venerable Sun-god day... Sundays?

    Remember this?
    Hebrews 10:38  "Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him."

   Heavenly Father, the times that YOUR Prophets wrote about. . . . are here! Give Father the wisdom to understand your word, the courage, to stay within your truths, and the convictions to share you great love for us all, with others, I ask in Jesus name for His sake and for all Thy children's sakes Father thank you and Amen!

This ends Walter Veith's series, and you can see and download these DVDs, by going to plus they have the  streaming  capable system in this huge site.Enjoy.

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