Wednesday, September 2, 2015

# 938 Part 4 What the Jesuits are up to, today.

Many thanks to ADTV and for this information. Thank YOU!

    Now it becomes interesting, as points are beginning to come together, for a wider more completed view.

THE UN MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS MATCH THE FIVE POINTS IN RICK WARREN'S P.E.A.C.E. PLAN! Please remember the U.N, if not dominated by the Jesuits, most certainly heavily influenced by them. As it has a specially shaped room filled with Occult symbols!


A:   A SECOND REFORMATION. The first one was about belief, This one will be about deeds. It is about what the church should be doing in the world..."....we will lay all this out for our people.
Purpose: Community. World.Full cooperation between Government, Church and Corporations . You see Rome itself has said many time it is most comfortable with a Fascist government system, as in Feudalism, of the Middle Ages in W.Europe.

ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WITH A ONE WORLD RELIGION, AND ALL RUN FROM  ROME! Get the picture?....  U.N's AGENDA 21, and Rome's JADE HELM 15  [ noticed the military weapons given to police and sheriff departments ?] ARE ESSENTIALLY. THE SAME, BOTH CALL for a total ban on fossil fuels, {meaning horse power, literally}  and Sustainable Growth, meaning earth's total population of 3 billion people!  [Earth today 2015 has nearly 8 billion people!  [Is this why Dept. of Homeland Security has bought up billions of rounds of ammunition?} THINK if you are still able! NOW, YOU know the why. . .behind the the dumbing-down of America's schools, since the 1950's!
   How can this be? Well,the Jesuits are every-where, as well as all those who answer to them, the Masons, the Lions, the St.Johns, the Skull & Bones, the Trilateral Commission, and all their other SECRET SOCIETIES< that in the public view do so much good, but at the top layers of power they all worship Lucifer!  Just Google Occult symbols, and then walk into any large Catholic church and look at the decor! Plus know, that no alter can be built, UNLESS it has a RELIC, some thing, some part of one of their "saints buried under it! This is directly from Babylon, of old! The same Saddam tried to rebuild, the same God said it would not ever be occupied by humans. Now think "Dessert Storm"?

    Revelation 13:2-3  "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

    Revelation 13:8-9  "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear."

Note:  ALL, who have not Christ, shall worship him?
Who is this HIM?   The Beast Power, Pagan Rome, that morphed into "Christian?" Rome, under the blanket they call Ecumenism... all earth's religions into one big POT, a religious "Stew" or much error mixed with a little truth!
    Still all of 96% pf Protestants are rushing at full speed back to Rome, as the Jesuit have done a marvelous work in killing the Reformation, but for a few holdouts that still take the Bible at face-value, and try to live it. Most give only lip service to it, as most preach evolution, and that just will not fit within God's Creation! One can NOT accept evolution and still say they believe in God!

Warren's PEACE PLAN.... TO SAVE TIME.. GO BACK AND READ "The Beamable, Sustainable Prince Charles. His plan is Rick Warren's plan!
Well both have the same author, who run it all from their "CROWN" Temple, the Jesuits, whose "General", answers to the Pope in Rome.
Remember from the Book of Daniel, where the earthly powers, were called BEASTS, as they combined the rule of Church and state under one man! Well Rome is the result of the great and terrible beast, Daniel called the "Little Horn Power, who received its powers from the Dragon.. Satan! {Rev.14:2. Dan7:25.}


STEP 4: "THE FINAL 'GENESIS'--"SPIRITUAL FORMATION."  Teilhard and the Future of Humanity, edited by Thierry Meynard, SJ brings together essay by leading experts from a range of disciplines and perspectives who reflect on Teilhard's legacy for today's globalized world.  [Fordham University Press]

Teilhard Chardin, who is he?  A Jesuit thinker, whose ideas have been totally absorbed into the United Nation, {Remember they have a peculiar shaped room crammed full of Occult symbols and stuff!]

Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon, "The seduction of Christianity: Spiritual discernment in the last days, Eugene OR Harvest House Pub., 1985. p. 80.....

"Teilhard dreamed of humanity merging into 'God' and each revealing his own godhood at the Omega Point [This is New Age stuff right out of old Babylon adopted by the present Babylon, the Apostate church-in Rome]

Gary Kah,"En Route to Global Occupation" Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Pub, 1992. p. 41.
"In fact, Chardin is one of the most frequently quoted writers by leading New Age occultist!

NOTE: REMEMBER Teilhard Chardin, is a full-fledged Jesuit Priest! Now what on earth does a Catholic Priest have in common with the new Age Occultists? Is that not as, inviting both a Jesuit and Satan to sit at supper with you? {They are in truth allies}

What's the Omega Point?  Pantheism and Spiritual Formation coming together at the same time! here's how...


Note: when you hear these "Buzz" words"  run...

Teilhard de Chardin spoke of VALUEGENESIS, he spoke of COLLECTIVE CO-CREATION, COMBINED EFFORT,  the OMEGA POINT, of the final stages of earth and of man, of  COSMOGENESIS  [the cosmos coming together] and NOOGENESIS [ Minds coming together] to the point of union the Panatheistic fusion of all things at this OMEGA POINT.
    WHATEVER DOES NOT MERGE, IS EVIL. This is the "NEW SPIRITUALITY". We are being herded like cattle into the common coral driven by Hegelian dialectic, Teihardian Philosophy and fear.

In multiculturalism  { sounds like a Progressive buzzword right?] every faction retains its identity yet merges into one cosmic fusion. The Muslim the Jew, the Christian the black the white the Hispanics the Asian, they all integrate without one culture dominating the other. A new Christ , DIVESTED of His Biblical identity, rises from the ashes to satisfy the needs of all!
There you have it..... their Cosmic Christ, THE ONE WITHOUT HIS BIBLICAL IDENTITY!

NOTE: Sorry that not my Christ, nor is it God's Son!  Plus we all MUST become at one with the worldly but the Bible says....

    2 Corinthians 6:17 " Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,"

    Matthew 25:32  "And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:"


Do YOU, dear reader remember the old USSR?  In their book "Brainwashing:  Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychyopolitics, the author declares:
"Man is already a colonial aggregation of cells,  {(jb) monks sitting in a cell] and to consider him an individual would be an error... Sickness could be considered to be a disloyalty to the remaining organisms on the part of one organism... We can see with ease that the revolt is death, that the revolt of any part of the organism results in death. Thus we see that there can be no compromise with rebellion".

NOTE: Can you begin to see, that all those who cling to their faith in Christ and His Word shall be marked as a rebel and death is their end?  Take heart.....

    Mark 8:35  "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it."
    Luke 9:24  "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it."
    Matthew 10:28  "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

Note: Satan & co., can only kill your body once, yet god can resurrect you, but He can also destroy you permanently, if you succumb to Satan deceptions!

Roland H. Bainton. The travail of Religious Liberty Westminster Press, Philly 1951.p 39
AUGUSTINE ARGUED: "A horticulturist prunes a rotten branch to save a tree and a doctor amputates a diseased limb to conserve a life. Even so may the erring be constrained."
Note: If you don't buy what Rome is selling you'll be pruned away! This was their foundation for their ideas about heresy and how to deal with heretics, kill them if they refuse to accept our dogmas, then and soon to be again!

Matthew 24:9  "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake."
"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:"

Historians calculate, that when Rome controlled Western Europe, she caused from 50- to 100 millions their lives, for the simple reason of not obeying the Pope! The accurate count is known only to God! ST. Bartholomew's day is celebration in Rome based on the fact that day back in the Dark ages, they French Military rounded up some 50,000 Huguenots, who accept the Bible and rejected the Pope, killed them all, men, woman and children even babes within the wombs, and when this news hit St Peter, they ran its bells for joy! Yet they call self "Christians?"

Note:  If ALL this is not GROUP THINK, it'll do until it comes along, right?

Teilhard declared: "The outcome of the world, the gates of the future, the entry of the Superhuman...Will open only to an advance of ALL together, in a direction in which ALL together can join and find completion in a spiritual renovation of the earth" The Phenomennology of Man, p;.244-245.

Malachi Martin {A Jesuit PHD at Vatican University Rome.] describing Teilhard de Chardin's theology in "The Jesuits," p.288,Christ--who will be the Omega Point--will appear; man will then be more than man, will be what Teilhard called Altra-Human, the cosmos will be transformed; and the glory of it all will be established."

More Group think! Pantheism in full view! Pan-the-ism 1705 coined by J. Toland. meaning that God is not a personality, but that all laws forces, manifestations etc. of the self-existing universe are God. 2. the worship or to veneration of worship, of all gods of various cults.

Note: does not the term Ecumenical fit very well with the term Pantheism?

Note: Please is this not all falling within non-exclusive, or divisive, ECUMENICAL doctrines, where all doctrines are A OK, just get along and love one another? Man knows best, what's God's ideas compared to ours anyway?   Is this not a Jim Jones type of ego? His ego got so big, that he got lost within it! Rather than surrender, he killed self and sold 930 people men women and children to drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid in Jones Town Guyana,

TEILHARD DE CHARDIN: "......A GENERAL CONVERGENCE OF RELIGIONS UPON A UNIVERSAL CHRIST WHO SATIFIES THEM ALL:  that seems to me to be the only possible conversion of the world, and the only form in which a religio of the future can be conceived."
de Chardin, P.T. 1971. "Christianity and Evolution." Collins. p. 130.

Note: again and again, we see these human opinions as being better that God's from His Word!  So I ask
Y O U these questions: "Can man or men save themselves to eternal life, or is Jesus Christ the One and ONLY!  "If Jesus is the ONLY One who can save, then why on earth listen and obey men?"  "DO YOU not know that only those who listen to the Word of God, will not perish?
     {That DOES NOT mean they won't be killed, but killed in Christ's sake they shall be resurrected and leave earth!}The wicked will not never leave this earth.

    Revelation 14:12  "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."

Note: Can Y O U find in the above verse the commandment to to keep the commandments of men? Or for us to keep the faith in a man or men?????


This book is about the sacred and our response to it: reverence The sacred what?
    The Sacred creation: stars, galaxies, whales, soil, water, trees, humans, thoughts , bodies, images, the holy omnipresence of the Divine One in all things, The Western Term for this image of God present in all things is "The Cosmic Christ"."....What creature dary deny that it is an immortal diamond?"  {(jb) I SO DO! Only, the Bible states: only the God head has Immortality, but men believe Satan's lie in Gen.3:4.}
It is my experience that only human species dares to deny the Cosmic Christ!

NOTE: I not only deny your so called , "Cosmic Christ", as I embrace the Jesus Christ, through whom God the Father created all things John 1:1-3,14}The "Cosmic Christ is but a figment of Satan's imagination with which he has deceived many, many people!  The above view , Cosmic Christ, is fully and totally filled with Pantheism!
    Why is it, that SO MANY men, think they know more and know what's best, than our very Creator? Is this not the child trying to teach the parent?  {Yes sadly in some they can and should}

WHY are we up to our proverbial noses deep in this garbage?\

   "Modern Christianity has been thoroughly re-moulded by Jesuit encounter theology and spiritual formation, guided by Ignatian {Loyola] Spiritual direction, until the souls is fragmented, encounter dependant and subservient church.

NOTE: I case this has not been made clear, the Spiritual encounters, whereby people "FEEL" something, is all From Satan, and not a thing from the Holy Spirit!

Revelation 13:2  "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."
Note: Please know John here is "Looking",back into time, while Daniel was "Looking" forwards. and that Rome was, and still is the FOURTH BEAST, the LITTLE HORN:  AND THE dragon, {Satan Rev.12:9} gave the little horn what? HIS POWER AND HIS SEAT, and GREAT AUTHORITY!
   How can Y O U tell?
Rome, as the "Mark of her authority, Changed the Sabbath day to Sunday, and does not all earth obey her power, in this change for which there is not one Bible's word for the change?  THINK! God gave us a brain and He expects us to use it, for His gift of free-will to chose!   Rome wants converts, yes, but they don't want you to exercise your God-given free will, they robots who follow the Pope without fail or question!

  {Documents of Vatican II, p. 811}
   "In forming their consciences the faithful must pay careful attention to the sacred and certain teachings of the Church. For the Catholic Church is by the Will of Christ [(jb) book,chapter and verse please?] , the teacher of truth."

Here's the Kicker........

[Catechism of the Catholic Church, # 1783]   "The education of conscience is indispensable for human beings who are subjected to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own judgment and to reject authoritative teachings."

Note: See they do NOT want anyone to think for themselves, so why did God give us a Free-will, and able to make moral judgments?  Beside their "Authoritative teachings did not protect all those alter boys in far too many of your churches now did it! Shall we open that dark can of worms, wider?   How about in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, a Monastery and a Convent, well apart from each other, yet until a Nazi bomb crater exposes a lined tunnel between the two, and a deep Quick-lime pit, with not yet dissolved babies in it? Or shall we not speak of the Rampant Homosexuality within the Vatican? Or have none seen the torrid sex, of two men and then one puts on the "Priestly Raiments" and gives a Mass 1/2 hour latter? How3 Sirs to YOU all spell Hypocrisy? [From a Greek word meaning "Play-actor!"  By they these are their words, and their actions, this only brings them to light.  However should I found to have a deadly "ACCIDENT", soon, think back on these statements, . Just as spoken truth cost the lives of both Lincoln and the two Kennedys!  But then our government is totally controlled by the Masons who answer to the Jesuits, who answers to the Pope!


     Romans 12:2  "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Conformed:  susche'matizo',  [soos-khay-mat-id'-zo] to fashion alike, that is, conform to the same pattern [figuratively]; conform to, fashion self according to.

According to what or whom?
   Genesis 1:27  "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and                                   female created he them."

We can't do this within self, can we?   Jeremiah 13:23  "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil."

   Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will                                          perform [finish] it until the day of Jesus Christ:"
Note: This is the work of the Holy Spirit, upon our INVITATION, to come within our hearts/minds and mbe willing to accept His changes within us, so that we are IN HIS IMAGE, in character be as Christ! This change they cannot grasp, because they know not Christ as a personal Savior!

The Holy Bible speaks of Christ formed within, not having a form from without.......

      Galatians 4:19  "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in                                            you,"
Note: True Christianity follows the Pattern Man, and the pattern is Jesus Christ.

Not some "Spiritual Director," and his Loyolian ideals, that Satan has for all, but Jesus chrisr, who by His own freewill, wanted to be born of woman, as a baby, even though He along with the Father and the Holy Spirit have always existed, in Spirit Forms, Jesus became a flesh man, to set the example for on how to live this flesh live, and to buy us back from Satan, due to the fall into sin of our Original Parents, and pay with His life and blood our collective sin debts!  The why of....

   1 Timothy 2:5  "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; "

Note: the words "..the man... Jesus Christ!

    Ephesians 5:11  "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."

REPROVE: From the Greek Elegho [el-eng'-kho] ro confute, admonish, convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove.

Note: does the source of error, make a difference? It must not! The Bible is God's Word, so His Word only!


   OPUS DEI AND FORMATION: Robert Hutchison: "Their Kingdom Come: Inside th4e Secret World of Opus Die". New York St. Martin's Press ,1977 .p 84

"THE WAY, a collection of 999 religious maxims published by JoseMaria Escriva  (oops SAINT} {Gruder des Opus Dei. (Founder) {turn 999 edicts upside down and what do you have 666 the number of a man! --Revelation 13:18.
As the founder of Opus dei, he affirms "That true christians must be disciplined and obedient to their spiritual director"

Funny but the Bible holds a differing view.....

    John 14:15  "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
QUESTION:  why do so many men insist we do all things their way, in place of Christ's way?  Do they not follow HIm, or do they follow another?

Who are the Opus Dei? Remember in previous lessons, Ignatius Loyola said penance must be both internal and external, so these live life with pain inducing bracelets, for the external penance! I guess they know not the the difference between penance and repentance!It was Christ's penance for us that are forgiven, and have the power to repent, when we accept Him in loving obedience, but the Little Horn power says NO obey ME!

Note: did we not cover that people MUST be disciplined and obedient to their leaders? No questions, no buts are tolerated, we must become as dumb sheep, to the slaughter! Is that How a Loving Father-God wants us to be ensnared?

OPUS DEI MAXIM 377  of the way states: And how shall I acquire"our Formation', how shall I keep 'our spirit', By being faithful to the specific norms your Director gave you, and explained to you, and made you love: be faithful to them and you will be an apostle." {Hutchison, Their Kingdom Come", p. 85]

NOTE: Spiritual Formation: Is being brain-washed, to the point where you obey mindlessly!  How does that fit anywhere in the Holy Bible of God?

The Text of the homily of the Papal Legate Cardinal Franc Rode CMJ, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life given at the of GC35  [General Congregation of the Vatican, by the Jesuits] in Rome: Speech by the new "General".
  "Certainly and necessarily, during this congregation you are carrying out an important work but it is not a "distraction" from your apostolic activity. As St. Ignatius Loyola, teaches you in the spiritual Exercises, you must with the same vision of the three Divine Persons, look at "the entire surface of the earth crammed with men (n102). Listening to the Spirit, the creator who renews the world and returning to the fonts to preserve your identity without losing your own lifestyles, the commitment to discern the signs of the times, the difficulty and responsibility of working out final decisions are activities which are eminently apostolic because they form the base of a new springtime of being religious and of the apostolic commitment of each of your brothers in the society of Jesus."
   "Now the vision become broader. It is not only for your own Jesuit brothers that provide a religious and apostolic formation".
  "There are many institutes of Consecrated Life who, following an Ignatian spirituality, Pay attention to your choices; there are many future priests in your Colleges and Universities who are preparing for their ministry. There are many peoples from both within and without the Church who frequent your centers of learning, seeking a response to the challenges which science, technology and globalization pose to humanity, with the hope of receiving a Formation, which will make it possible for them tio construct a world of truth and freedom, of justice and peace.:"
   "Your work must be eminently apostolic with a universal human, ecclesial and evangelical fullness. It must be always be carried out in the light of your Charism, in such a way that the growing participation of the laity in your activities does not obscure your identity bur rather enriches it with the collaboration of those who, coming from other cultures, share your style and your objectives. "

Note: can you not discern, that he told them it their collective duty to convict, and convince all , to their ways of thinking! This is "CONSENSUS THEOLOGY"
    ".....The Church is waiting for a light from you to restore the sensus Ecclesiae. {note the power she used to have] The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius are your speciality. 

Does this result not remind you of a Robot?


 The Bible speaks of transformation not formation!

     Romans 12:2  "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

   So far, we have seen much from the will of men but little, if any from the will of God! Thus if it's not from god, then which power is it from? Remember there are two, only two supernatural powers, in the Universe, God and  Satan!  May I remind you again...

Galatians 4:19 " My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,"
This is the ONLY Spirit that is safe for mankind!


Richard J. Foster, "Christian" (  ?) sphychologist of international fame and founder of RENOVARE.

   Foster is the founder of an organisation called RENOVARE, which has powerful, influential support from Christian leaders. The co-director is William I. Vaswig, a former Lutheran Pastor. Renovare from the Latin meaning, "to make new spirituality," is promoting the revival of MEDITATIVE AND CONTEMPLATIVE traditions of the Catholic church'' mystics,  Zen Buddhism and PSYCHOTHERAPY.
www.despatch,   au/dispatch/foster_vol_7_2, htm.

RENOVARE' BRINGING THE CHURCH TO THE churches. [Note which church is the Church
                                                                                                           Rome always used upper case C
                                                                                                          all other are just "c"!]

                     "A BALANCED SPIRITUAL LIFE"

"CONTEMPLATIVE: [Loyola exercises]                 SOCIAL JUSTICE  [ fascistic government]
the prayer-filled life                                                 the compassionate life

HOLINESS  [ via Satanic spirits?]                          INCARNATIONAL [Eastern mysticisms]
the virtuous life                                                       the sacramental life

CHARISMATIC [ speaking in  tongues]                   EVANGELICAL [one world religion]
the spirit-empowered life                                         the world-centered life

Foster's Book "Celebration of Discipline" offers a 13 disc set of video based lessons to "Help Christians experience authentic transformation through the engage ment with classic Christian {read Catholic mysticism]  in spiritual disciplines!
This done and YOU also will become an obedient automaton! IE ROBOT!


   "By now enough water has gone under the Christian Spiritual Formation bridge that we can give some assessment of where we have come and what yet needs to be done. When I first began writing in the field o9n the late 1970-s and early 80"s the term "Spiritual Formation" was hardly known, except for highly specialized references in relation to CATHOLIC ORDERS.  Today it is a rare person who has not heard the term. {Sorry I've not heard of it until just recently} Seminary courses in Spiritual Formation proliferate like baby rabbits. Huge numbers are seeking to become certified as SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS, to answer the cry of multiplied thousands for spiritual directions, and more.
A Pastoral Letter from R. Froster.
Hum whose he trying to convince, yet I know many Protestants have began to follow Rome's laws and dictates of doctrines. All except her day for worship Sunday the day of the Sun god!
Foster was a Quaker Minister, and voted by many to be the best book after the Bible!

(JB) All who so voted must be very Biblically illiterate, as it finds no fit in the Word of God!



ALBERT JAMES DAGER: OF "Media Spotlight"  comments-----

    "Unfortunately, all these "exercises," serve to do is open the person up to demonic influences that assuage his or her conscience with a feeling of euphoria and even "LOVE" emanating from the presence that has invaded their consciousness."
     " This euphoria is then believed to validate that the person is on the right [or correct} spiritual path. It may result in visions, out-of body experiences, stigmata, levitations, even healings and other apparent miracles."

NOTE: [(J.B.) they shall most assuredly "feel" something! But take note......

     2 Corinthians 11:13-15  "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."

    SO WHAT DOES RICHARD FOSTER TEACH? [Please know they regard this book by Foster's as the 3rd most influential book after the Holy Bible!]

    His teachings are filled with Buddhism, Yoga Philosophy, Transcendental Meditation.,  the exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits!     Some Quotes from Richard Foster:

     "The Inner world of meditation is most easily entered through the door of the IMAGINATION. {note: This is directly quoted from the "Spiritual Exercises by Loyola} We fail today to appreciate its tremendous power. The IMAGINATION is stronger that the conceptual thought and stronger that the will. In the west, our tendency to deify the merits of rationalism--- and it does have merit-- has caused us to ignore the value of the imagination.
    "Some rare individuals may be able to contemplate in an imageless void, but most of us need to be more deeply"

Celebration in the senses:  "Celebrations of Discipline," p.22.

   "Rooted in the senses. Jesus taught this way, making constant appeal to the imagination and the senses.... in his autobiography C.G. Jung describes how difficult it was for him to humble himself and once again play imagination games of a child, and the value of that experience. Just as children need to learn to think logically, adults need to rediscover the magical reality of the imagination."

Note: I need not any demonic immersions within me, how about YOU? Ever been to a church were they practice this stuff? People are rolling on floor, waving their arms and shouting, and all think, that's the manifestation of God's Holy Spirit, when in reality is none but Satan's demons!Read, again 2 Corinthians, in blue above!\

   Richard Foster goes on:  "Ignatius of Loyola in his spiritual exercises constantly encourged his readers to visualize the gospel stories. Every contemplation he gave was designed to open the imagination. e even included meditation entitled "Application of the Senses," which is an attempt to help us utilize all five senses as we picture the gospel events. His thin volume of meditation exercises with its stress on the imagination and tremendous impact for good upon the sixteenth century."
    IBID P. 22

Note: Please note all this uses clinical psychology, and the mind voided of rational thought!

    1 Corinthians 13:11-12  "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

Note: If any man KNEW, how God was/is able to Create the Universe, and all that is within it, then he or she, be as God is, right? That shall not ever happen!


    They are Jesuits, trained by Jesuits, to get all Protestant churches to accept them as their very own "Spiritual Excercises Director"! Who we, the deceived ones {They hope} will obey, without question, and never ask a question, npor never. . . never. . .ever refer to the Holy Bible, in any ways shape or form! Those who so do, are branded as Heretics, and face execution, just as it was during the "Dark Ages"!

      Ecclesiastes 1:9-10  "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us."

Note: "If anyone thinks, this garbage has caught God by surprise PLEaSE think, again!" Remember Scripture interprets Scripture! The Bible is its own EXPOSITOR!

NOTE: What is it in actuality, that Foster's actually telling us?
    He want's us to go into a private room, or area, and with our "BREATH PRAYERS"  or meditation method we use, then when our minds are blank, and our eye-balls are going in circles, Satan's entity will then enter our minds, and via this demon, we can feel, see, touch, taste and hear, what ever Satan's thinks will grab your heart!

CELEBRATION of DISCIPLINE says Foster, introduces us and the church, to an encounter with God!

NOTE: To which I ask...."Which god"? as most of these are also deep into the Occult, which god but know it's NOT The God, of life!

   "Celebration of discipline reintroduces to the church the so-called "Masters of the interior life," as Foster likes to call the Medieval mystics. {Note spelling should be Med-de-evil Mystics] He declares that they alone have discovered the key to true spiritual life  [ funny but there's no mention of this in God's Word] Many of these, he assures us, have travelled to the depths of spiritual experience that we moderns cannot even imagine. Foster wants us to know that these individuals knew the secrets to an encounter with God."


     Besides Ignatius of Loyola he quotes Meister Eckhart, a Dominican Monk who lived in the 13-14th Centuries, who ranks among the great Roman catholic Mystics such as Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and Julian of Norwich.
Thomas Merton: Foster cites and/or quotes Merton on art least nine separate occasions in "Celebration of Discipline, yet Merton was not a Christian. He was a 20th century Roman catholic who had immersed himself in Buddhism that he claimed he saw no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity, and intended to become as good a Buddhist as he could. Foster considers Merton's Contemplative Prayer, a must book!
Http:// www.

NOTE: The goal of a Buddhist is Nirvana, which is the being at one with the Universe. This "Universe", was and is held together by our Creator God, thus the Universe can itself not be god!

 Foster supports the position of the Roman Catholic church, complete with penance and absolution {PP. 146-149) . And why not? for Dietrich Bonhoeffer assures us that "When I go to my brother to confess, I am going to God" ( P.146) , and Foster wants us to know, "The assurance of forgiveness is sealed in the Spirit when it is spoken by our brother or sister in the name of Christ". ( p.148).... Once, when receiving the confession of lady she, "Looked at me and "saw" superimposed upon my eyes the eyes of Another who conveyed to her a love and acceptance that released her to unburden her heart" (p. 155)


NOTE: THE GOAL?  the total dominion over your minds, yes we are told to confess to our brother or sister, whom we have wronged, and seek their forgiveness, but not to confess sins to to whom we have NOT Sinned AGAINST!

    1 Timothy 2:5  "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ                                  Jesus;"
Confess your sins to The Father, in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ our ONLY MEDIATOR!

     James 5:16  "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

    James 5:16 "Confess therefore your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The supplication of a righteous man availeth much in its working."
Note: The newer translations have supplanted the word, "FAULTS"  with the word "SINS", and that MUST be a big problem for us all! Because it is The Father's forgiveness that we need to seek, not to any one person, against whom we have not sinned!  No2w I can, ask a brother or sister in Christ, to pray for me asking Heaven's help with my temper, or any other short-coming, that's OK, but not my seeking forgiveness, for a sin not against that one person! That's ignoring god, and removing Him from the Picture
     Take all your sins to Jesus, and by pass humans, because any sin, is a transgression against The Father-God!

Richard Foster teaches in his book, Celebration of Discipline p..26 "We can bring Jesus into our presence by the use of the imagination"!

    "As you enter the story, not as a passive observer but as an active participant, remember that since Jesus lives in the eternal now and is not bound by time, this event in the past is a living present-tense experience for him. hence, you can "actually" encounter the living Christ in the event., be addressed by his voice and be touched by his healing power. It can be more that an exercise of the imagination it can actually be a genuine confrontation, Jesus Christ will actually come to you."

Note: the only contact, and connection will be with one of  Satan's demons!  This is 100% directly from the Occultic  world!

     John 14:1-3  "Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
Note Christ is still there, HE is now in the Most Holy of Holies, and the dead have been judged, now it time for the living to be also!

   I hope and pray that ALL will STUDY the Holy Bible! Thereby bypassing the possible deceptions of the Evil ONE!

FOSTER'S BOOK:  used to use the words "New Age" on Page 170. This was changed to avoid criticism: "We at the new age can risk going against the tide," Became changed to , "We who follow christ can risk going against the tide."

"A fourth form of meditation has as its objective to bring you a deep inner communion with the Father [foster's lower case "f"] where you look at him and he looks at you. In your imagination, picture yourself walking along a lovely forest path. Take your time, allowing the blaring noise of our modern megalopolis to be overtaken by the sound of rustling leaves and cool forest streams..." Foster continues... "after a while there is a deep yearning within to go into the upper regions beyond the clouds. In your imagination allow your spiritual body, shinning with light, to rise out of your physical body."  Cont>.....

Note: Foster's imagination is the DIRECT LINK TO SATAN!

Cont>.....  "Look back so that you can see yourself lying in the grass, and reassure your body that you will return momentarily.  {note this tells us that we are our own twin, as speaking to our bodies to reassure IT, that we will soon return, implies that both are sentient beings, right? Can you see that hogwash in this?}  Imagine your spiritual self alive, and vibrant, rising up through the clouds and into the stratosphere. Observe your physical body, the knoll, and the forest shrink as you leave earth. Go deeper and deeper into outer space until there is nothing except the warm presence of the eternal creator... Listen carefully.... Note any instruction given... Return to the Meadow. walk joyfully back along the path until you return home, full of new life and energy."
http:// foster.

NOTE:  If anyone buys this load of cow stuff, let me sell you my Ocean beach front lot in Nebraska, real                   cheap! All this is nothing more than a hypnotic implant, and  NO more a reality, than the Moon is made of Green cheese!

Then as his"students?" progress he, Foster, teaches : New Age Mysticism and Pantheism.

      "After you have gained some proficiency in centering down, add a five- to- ten-minute meditation on some aspect of creation. Choose something in the created order: tree, plant, bird, leaf, cloud, and each day ponder it carefully and prayerfully.... "The simplest and oldest way... in which god manifests himself is... Through the earth itself. And he still speaks to us through the earth and the sea...:"  Ibid p.25.

Note: to all Orah fans, she said this almost word for word, herself! This become "YOUR COSMIC FUSION!"

A large part of Renovare's spiritual disciplines involve meditation on the writing of selected spiritual masters associated with the "Christian" contemplative tradition. Most, of course, are Roman Catholic, particularly those mystics from the 4th through the 15th century."   "RENOVARE' "Bringin the Church to the churches  {note capital letter in their  "C"hurch].
"The immediate Purpose (s) of the Goshen Place website: This site provides you, the visitor/sojourner, with immediate access to many resources which the author hopes to prove to be God's provision to more fully equip you as a Minister of Reconciliation to effect the healing of His wounded body."

Note: who then are these Mystics? St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine. Srt. Therese anf St. John of the Cross.
No A.D.TV's dvd, that I am taking this from each of these people are pictured as a portrait, and each have the "HALO" behind their heads, which let none fool you, is the Venerable Sun disc! From Babylon's Sun worship!

Note:  WHAT DOES THIS ALL REALLY MEAN?  It means that this is still Rome's fight, to COUNTER THE REFORMATION,  against Protestants, most of whom today no longer know what the original PROTEST was all about! The Vatican usurpation of true Christianity with a blended Paganism and a little Christianity!

NOTE: The present Pope Francis, (2015) is a Jesuit Priest agree?  Here's a Portion of the Jesuit "EXTREME OATH OF INDUCTION""  as recorded in the congressional Record of the United States of America {House Bill 1523 from an action in Feb 15, 1913. Pages 3215-16.

    "I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver [perinde ac cadaver} but unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ."

     "That I will go to any part of the world, whatsoever, without murmuring and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me... I do further promise and declare, that I will, when the opportunity presents, male and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to extirpate (kill) and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither sex, age nor their condition and that I will hang, waste, boil,flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their woman and church their infant's heads against the wall, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race."
   "That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons whatsoever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood  of the Holy Faith of the Society of Jesus."

Who can not fail to see all that is Satan the devil in this oath? Remember it was the Jesuits to murdered Abe Lincoln and the Kennedy brothers, JFK, because he threaded to place the Federal Reserve bank back under Congressional control,  and Robert because he knew the reason why, and was running for President himself, and they never bothered him until shortly after he announced his plans to run! 

Now this MUST be documented correctly as the criticism will be very severe, if it is not, and correctly so!

Jesuit web Pages promote Foster:

Resources for simple living: Below are some suggested resources on simple living which have been helpful to Jesuit volunteers in the past.
RICH CHRISTIANS IN AN AGE OF HUNGER:  by Lee Sider.  This is a very challenging and readable book filled with facts and figures about global greed and waste.. Lee Sider offers a very challenging thoughts and suggestions for living gospel simplicity..
FREEDOM OF SIMPLICITY BY RICHARD FOSTER. Explorers the value of simplicity from a biblical and experimental perspective.
LIVING SIMPLY IN AN ANXIOUS WORLD,. by Robert J. Wicks. Wicks defines living simply as focusing one's perspective in order to become aware of God's actions in one's life.

NOTE: This is the Jesuits themselves telling their "Volunteers to read this material, and THAT tells me that we should NOT! If this bunch claims to be the friends of christ, he lacks for,  no enemies!

THE "BE STILL" DVD, released April 2006, by presenters including Beth Moore, MAX LUCADO [several books + a movie about the rapture LEFT BEHIND series, [so now you know where he's coming from, right?]  Richard Foster, Dallas Willard and many others. This propagates mystical contemplative prayer.
Calvin Miller: "One of the great things silence does, it gives us a new concept of God"

Richard Foster: "The wonderful thing about contemplative prayer is that it can be found very where, anywhere, any time for anyone. We become a portable sanctuary, so that we are living our life, wherever it is, aware of the goodness of god, the presence of God"
Note: such blasphemy, to replace Satan with God, and tell people, they are in fact communicating with God

Richard Foster, quoting Jesuit Priest of the 18th century Jean Nicholas Grou: "O Divine Master, teach me this mute language which says so much."

NOTE: " says nothing, to an empty minds" ....  designed especially for people who have put their brains in the freezer for storage?

WILLIAM VASWIG: Co-Director with Richard Foster of Renovare, was trained in the religious disciplines oF "Small group" ministries by THE SHALEM INSTITUTE FOR SPIRITUAL FORMATION, WASHINGTON D.C.

Comments from Albert Dager:
     "The objective is to move from conscious communication with God to "being in the Presence," as Bill Vaswig puts it. The Buddhist equivalent of being in the Presence would be to reach total enlightenment and NIRVANA, or "The Assimilation," with the 'divine' where one losses his identity entirely and is melded into the all-knowing MIND or FORCE of the Universe.... When they speak of "Practicing the presence of God," ..which is a major facet of Renovar' s spiritual exercises we find that what they mean is ZEN MEDITATION.

Note: This is the full-blown Eastern Mysticism, and full-on  ancient Occult practice, and its all nothing but horse "Road-Apples"!

      Exodus 33:20-23  "And he said, Thou canst not see my face; for man shall not see me and live. and Jehovah said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock: and it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand until I have passed by: and I will take away my hand, and thou shalt see my back; but my face shall not be seen."

     Why do this?
     Ephesians 5:11-12  "and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them; for the things which are done by them in secret it is a shame even to speak of."

  Pope Benedict XVI, met with Buddhist on April 17, 2008, at the Inter-Faith meeting in Washington D.C. He met them in the classical Buddhist style greeting. Thereby showing his Affinities with Buddhism!

    During their walk in St. Peter's Square on March 1, 2006 Benedict greeted a Delegation of Buddhist and was given a list of ideas.

  Who but this collaborative religious power group, gives the Deli-Lama his power, even as an exile, but rome and Company!   Please go to the above web site to see "Mother" Teresa kneeling in prayer on October 7, 1975 in Calcutta, in thanksgiving for the 25th anniversary of the Missionaries of charity, she is the first on on the left of the picture!
SO even in 1975 it was OK for a Catholic to kneel before a idol of Buddha to pray! Yet world, and the Catholics have made her a "SAINT?"  I wonder if God agrees?


    Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh packed the stadium at LOYOLA UNIVERSITY TO INITIATE STUDENTS IN BUDDHIST EXERCISES.
 Find at: http://www.traditionin

    You'l also see a picture of a Catholic Priest praying in a Buddhist monastery in New York, Maryknoll Jan, 1999.
NOTE:  All these people will not bow before God, but they gladly do so before idols!


introduction to Body Prayer:    Our Bodies have a vocabulary  [Did YOU know this, garbage?]
                                                   Simple Breath Prayer
                                                   A Simple Body Prayer
                                                   A Body Blessing
The following body blessing is from Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom, by John O'Donohue.

"May your body be blessed. May you realize that your body is a faithful and beautiful friend of your soul ***N.B. And may you be peaceful and joyful and recognize that your senses are sacred thresholds. May you realize holiness is mindful, gazing, feeling, hearing and touching. May your senses gather you and bring you home. may your sense always enable you to celebrate the universe and the mystery and possibilities in your presence. May the Eros of the Earth bless you."

     Genesis 2:7  "And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Man became what? A living soul, there is no such a thing a body, and a soul, any living life-from that breathes and moves is a living soul! This what happens when people are educated, yet remain Biblically illiterate!  They produce mindless garbage!

Here's more of the very same thoughts...., and is in a large part for this type of wayward thinking, that has driven many a Portestant faithfull rushing back to the "Mother Church" in Rome, and all these ideas found within this series, that find no fit in God's Word! This site is a full-on total abandonment of Protestant Principles that many were murdered for , in their support for the Bible, in the dark ages! So now Satan is using lies and deception in place of brute force, and it's WORKING!  Please stop and think!

Are we "Christians", the only ones subjected to this nonsense?  NO!

     "SACRED DANCE," THE Whirling Dervishes of Turkey... The "Sacred Dance of Melevi Sufis.
"The Whirling Dervishes of turkey testify to the existence and majesty of their Creator. Like all sacred dance, its purpose is to make spiritual energies available for the audience. Called "The Turn?" because the Semazens are turning back to God, back to their source, back to their true beginning, and the energy they make available is love. So if it is real, and the audience receptive, the audience is melted in love by the end.....

The men who dance this dance, wear dazzling white flowing floor length gowns, that may have small weights at the end seem. The men then spin around, causing the robes to flair out, like a flower opening into the sunlight.

Why are so many Protestants rushing to Rome's Catholicism?

Kentucky's  "Courier-Journal"  www.PSMITH@COURIER-JOURNAL.COM aUG. 25, 2008, 

 "David Harris, a former Baptist minister, became an Ordained Catholic Priest due to..... his being drawn to CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER,  plus what he found particularly enlightening was the role of Mysticism, Thomas Merton, and the Cistercian monasticism.."

WHY?  Because this type of prayer, empties one's mind, and Satan rushes in to fill the void, and begins to fully deceive one! To show you just how hollow are the Catholic convictions, about Priests belonging to Christ, thus not allowed to marry, David Harris was allowed to remain married to his wife! He is now  a Married Priest of the Catholic church!

  Yet, we also have our "SACRED DANCES", to promote religious unity, all earths religions are of equal worth, and all of them are roads to heaven!  The Sacred Dance Guild .org

     Matthew 7:14  "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there                              be that find it."
     John 14:6  "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but                        by me."
ONLY in Christianity, do we find Jesus Christ, and ONLY in it can we find His Salvation, and in NO OTHER! As all others are but man-made!  All others rip the heart out the Holy Bible, because Christ is the HEART, of IT!

Rome's Olympic Stadium April 1984. A group of 1200 young woman, all in bathing suits, preformed synchronized dancing in front of John Paul II during the Vatican Sponsored Sports Jubilee. Am extimated 100,00 people were in the stadium to greet the Pope, { and see the sights?} These "dances" are now at Mass, and even dancing on the alters!  Remind anyone of.....

     Exodus 32:4-5  "And he received it at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, and made it a molten calf: and they said, These are thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And when Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To-morrow shall be a feast to Jehovah."

Note: humanity is capable, of making a religion out of anything and every thing!

Now lets go to a Methodist site, to see how deep this ROT has gone, fair enough?


SPIRITUAL FORMATION: Formation Gatherings area day or weekend retreat designed to meet the interests and needs of those seeking a deeper walk in the spiritual journey. All sojourners are invited to attend. Programmes for 2008-2009:

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Faith, would not roll-over in his grave, if he so could, he'd be in a full spin mode!   Yet it gets even worse.....

   "MONASTIC SPIRITUALITY"  Monasticism and Spirituality have always been two sides of the same coin. In the last several decades many monastic communities have sprung up as people have tired of formal religion and sought a closer communion with God. {Sadly this is not a god, nor The God, but only Satan} This seminar will clarify the dynamics that have arisen out of monastic spirituality..

Note: All these so=called TITLES, are really different in name only including one of the newest titles: "Taize' Worship"  which bills itself as "a Ecumenical Monastic community! o we are all going to be become Monks and Nuns?

"AN INTRODUCTION TO ICONOGRAPHY"  We need ICONS, to see, to touch, to help us religiously?

   This is what happened to Arron and Moses, in the golden calf deal, and just as any catholic church with its ICONS of Mary and Jesus still hanging on the Cross! Plus why in the catechism books there's no SECOND COMMANDMENT!....

      Exodus 20:4-6  "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me, and showing lovingkindness unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."

Note: Icons, graven  {carved] Images, idols are ALL the same in the eyes of god, as per His 2nd  Commandment, agree?

Questions: Is this Roman Catholicism or not? Is this, all this not controlled by the Jesuits or not?


What is Spiritual Formation?"

"   It is the activity of the Holy Spirit [no it most certainly is not, there's nothing holy about Satan and crew} which molds our lives into the likeness of Jesus Christ. This likeness is one of deep intimacy with God [ sorry but has has light got in common with darkness?] and a genuine compassion for all creation [New Age Gaiah]  The Spirit works not only in the lives of individuals but also in the church, shaping it into the Body of Christ. We cooperate with this work of the Spirit through certain practices [as in accepting the true Christ in faith & trust, and be willing to accept the changes]  that makes us more open and responsive to the Spirit's touch, disciplines such as sabbath keeping [is this God's Sabbaths or mans?] , Works of compassion and justice, discernment [ we know they have no real discernment, can't differentiate between the Holy Spirit, and the Evil Spirits] worship, hospitality, spiritual friendships, and CONTEMPLATIVE SILENCE.  Office of Spiritual Formation, Presbyterian Church!

Note: Some few years ago they split into two factions, one embraced homosexuality, one faction did not!  This and more will cause Calvin to freek! Especially when they embrace Labyrinth Prayers, ans Sacred Circles! When will they copy the Mormon's "Holy Underwear"? They have already begun to "venerate the "Historical Archetypes" the Roman Catholic dead, "Saints!" they all still pray to!

"Sacred Circle " is within the the center of a Labyrinth, a path one walks while chanting some word, until one arrives at the center, There you light your candle, and finger your Meditation Beads! All right out Paganism!
Yet many wonder why God does not answer their prayers???


the twelve heavenly practices of the new church for the new age.

Stillness. Silence. Solitude. Simplicity. Detachment. Discernment. Devotion. Delight. Humility. Healing. Holiness. Heavenliness.

"God is doing a new thing now!......."

     Malachi 3:6  "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not                                                consumed."
     Hebrews 13:8  "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."
Whose words are Y O U willing to take? Do men lie?...

    Titus 1:2 " in hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised before times eternal;"

                            SEALING  VERSUS FORMATION.

     Revelation 7:3  "saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we shall have sealed the                                         servants of our God on their foreheads."
    Isaiah 8:16  "Bind thou up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples."

   "Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in their foreheads... it is not any seal or mark that can be seen but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they can not be moved {by the heresies of men deceived by Satan] just as soon as God's people are sealed and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed, it has already begun; the judgments of God are now upon the land, to give us warning, that we may know what is coming. The days are approaching when there will be great perplexity and confusion. Satan, clothed in angel robes, will deceive, if possible the very elect. there will be gods, and many lords, many. Every wind of doctrine will blowing."

NOTE:  We are already to this point, the only event not yet happened is Satan visible to all, claiming to be Christ Jesus!

    2 Thessalonians 2:3-4  "let no man beguile you in any wise: for it will not be, except the falling away come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God."

Note:With the above passage in mind read the following.....

    Pope Pius 10th said this in the 20th Century!    " The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ.     on the contrary he IS Jesus Christ, under the veil of the flesh."
    "Does the Pope speak? It is... Jesus Christ who is speaking. Hence, when the Pope speaks, it is not necessary to examine, but to obey."

Note: Can anyone be more conceited than this?  LOOK.l...

   Pope Pius 9th. ..."....i alone am the successor of the apostles, The Vicar of Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life."

    You know who else said this?   John 14:6. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Has some of us got egos bigger than we are?


Note: Our ONLY DEFENSE, is our willingness to study the Holy Bible, so that we can recognize the deceptions, of Satan and company, from the TRUTH ,of God!

Whats the best answer to all this mumbo-jumbo, hocus-pocus, stuff?

     Galatians 2:20-21  "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I that live, but Christ living in me: and that life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith which is in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself up for me. I do not make void the grace of God: for if righteousness is through the law, then Christ died for nought."

    The goal, of the Jesuit counter-Reformation, is nearly completed, it still has a few lose ends, mainly those people who stubbornly cling to the Holy Bible as "THE" only legitimate Word of God, and refuse to listen to the words of men led by Satan!

     Isaiah 64:8  "But now, O Jehovah, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all                           are the work of thy hand."
Note: WE ALL, belong to God, not to your spouse nor to any on earth! We are all accountable to Him, in our practice, in our thoughts and deeds.

    Jeremiah 18:6  "O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith Jehovah. Behold, as the                                      clay in the potter's hand, so are ye in my hand, O house of Israel."

Note: Remember ALL "IN" Christ, are of the house of Israel, seed of Abraham child of the promise.Therefore PLEASE allow none to rob you of your SEALING by YOUR CREATOR!


Questions? Comments? John@

OR: visit  your Seventh-day Adventist Church any Saturday/Sabbath 9-10 AM. You just may be very comforted.

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